A year ago, while I driving my car, I witnessed a situation that inspired me to create this clip.

From one side of the road, I saw a businessman on his Hoverboard, disconnected from his surroundings.

Across that road, I noticed a woman, paralyzed in a wheelchair.

I wondered, will the paralyzed woman be willing to trade places, even for 10 seconds, with that businessman, who has the ability to walk, jump, run and dance, but still chooses to trade his legs for wheels.

Film by Bar Stefansky

Choreography and dance – Delphine Leah

Videographer – Raz Birger

Aerial photography – Danny Shechtman

Location – Azrieli Holon business center

Man on Hoverboard – Niv noiman

Man on Scooter – Saar noiman

Women on Bicycle – Ariella Keinan