It seems like letting your imagination run wild once in the while is very healthy during this time when health officials all over the world are encouraging people to self-isolate or at least to play by the rules of social distancing. But some imaginations turn out to be wilder than others. At least Chuck Wendig’s certainly is one of the wild ones. Turns out, he recently got really curious about where Doritos’ name comes from. And quarantine seems to be the perfect time to get answers to such existential questions. However, this time the answer didn’t come with a simple Google search, how most of us are used to. Therefore, he dug a little deeper and came up with his own version of origin story that’s hilariously genius.

American author, comic book writer, screenwriter, and blogger Chuck Wendig recently got really curious about Doritos’ name

Writer Can't Find The Origin Of The 'Doritos' Name, Makes Up His Own Creepy Backstory

Image credits: ChuckWendig

The curiosity got him into doing a little research on the Internet

Image credits: ChuckWendig

But sadly, he didn’t find the answers he was looking for

Image credits: ChuckWendig

The only thing to do was to.. well, do a little bit more research

Writer Can't Find The Origin Of The 'Doritos' Name, Makes Up His Own Creepy Backstory

Image credits: ChuckWendig

And then let his imagination run wild and create his own version of the story

Image credits: ChuckWendig

Which is both brilliantly hilarious and just a tad spooky at the same time

Writer Can't Find The Origin Of The 'Doritos' Name, Makes Up His Own Creepy Backstory

Image credits: ChuckWendig

Writer Can't Find The Origin Of The 'Doritos' Name, Makes Up His Own Creepy Backstory


Image credits: ChuckWendig


Image credits: ChuckWendig

Image credits: ChuckWendig

Image credits: ChuckWendig

People loved his thread and had some witty remarks

Image credits: kiribatiwriter

Image credits: linnifred

Image credits: emmabo


Image credits: DamienAWalters

Image credits: gilmo51

Image credits: becomingcliche

Image credits: UnSubject

Image credits: ArentYOUNice

Image credits: AmoneyResists

Image credits: tomlovett01