Chrissy Teigen Shares A Picture Of Her Son With A Head-Shaping Helmet, People Come To Support Her With Pictures Of Their Children
There's nothing cuter than children, their gorgeous eyes and adorable smiles can make anyone's day better. And just when we thought that they can't get any cuter, suddenly we find out that a baby with a helmet is the most precious thing we have ever seen. Recently, Chrissy Teigen shared a picture of her son with a head-shaping helmet, stating that he's just fixing a flat side of his head, and there's nothing to worry about. To make her feel better, many people started to share their own adorable pictures of their children wearing head shaping helmets.

Image credits: chrissyteigen
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Fionn Wore A Helmet For Four Months After His Cvr Surgery For Sagittal Craniosynostosis. I Ended Up Hand Painting Them So They Looked Less Like A Medical Device. He Looked Pretty Adorable And It Squished His Cheeks In The Most Perfect Way.
Helmet Baby
Because Every Princess Needs A Crown. 😍 My Little Cranio Princess!
My Baby Wore A Helmet. He’s 2 Now And His Head Isn’t Flat Anymore. They Work And They’re Cute And Fuck You If You Judge A Mom For It. 🤷🏻♀️🐺⚔️ Ps. Winter Is Coming
My Son Rocking His Helmet Just In Time For This Past Halloween 🎃
My Son Had A Helmet! It Went By So Quick And His Head Is Gorgeous Now!
My Daughter Wore One To Fix Her Plagiocephaly Due To Torticollis At Birth. She's 7 Now And Her Dolls And Bears Wear The Helmet Sometimes
We Loved Our Little Minion! We Still Keep The Helmet On Our Shelf As A Memento- It Was Too Cute!
My Son 6 Years Ago! He Has A Perfectly Rounded Head Now. 😊
My Daughter Was Born With Craniosynostosis. At 8 Months, Her Skull Was Removed And Reshaped. Today, She Is A Healthy, Happy 7 Year Old! Go Miles!
Okay, so according to mayoclinic.org, the surgery does not involve the skull being removed. That would not be possible because it would leave the brain open to the elements. Instead, there are two types of surgery: endoscopic and open. Endoscopic surgery entails the surgeon opening the affected suture to enable the baby's brain to grow normally. After endoscopic surgery, helmet therapy is needed. Open surgery is when the surgeon makes an incision in the scalp and cranial bones, then reshapes the affected portion of the skull. The skull position is held in place with plates and screws that are absorbable. Here is the full link: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/craniosynostosis/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20354517
Omg All The Cuteeee Babies!! 😍 Adding My Little R2d2 To The List 😛
Here Is My Guy About 10 Years Ago.
Love the slogsn, encpuraging people to talk about it and be honest and open
My Cutie Pie Nieces In Their Animal Print Helmets
Is This The Official Babies With Helmets Thread?
My Cranio Warrior Rocked His For 10 Weeks Post Op Cvr!
I Love The Official Babies With Helmets Thread. They Are All Adorable!
My Big Boy Wears A Helmet But His Is For Seizures.
Their Little Cheeks Get Pushed Forward And It’s The Cutest.
I Can’t Even Handle All These Adorable Pics!!! I Just Had To Share Our Own. ❤️ This Is Our Son At 7ish Months.
Googly Eyes And Bows All The Way
Our Little Guy Is 2 Now And Is Just As Perfect As Ever-Craniosynostosis Superbaby!! ❤️
With that helmet shape it shoulda been made to look like Magnetos. Would have been awesome
This Is My Cutie! I Remember Feeling So Anguished Over Him Getting This Helmet But Honestly It’s No Different Than Him Needing Braces. Support And Love Are What All Mothers Need! Happy To Share And Happy To Support!
The look on his face! "Jedi mind trick? You do not remember Jedi mind trick!"
Mommy To A Craniosynostosis Warrior!
Had To Share My Girls' Helmet Photos - Amazing What A Little Paint And Some Super Cute Stickers Can Do!
Awe!! Baby Drew Had One Too!
We Are Helmet Graduates! It Will Be Over Before You Know It. Plus, It Is Sneaky Adorable.
They Look Extra Cute In Their Helmets
Helmet Baby
My Cutie In His Helmet! He Only Has A Few Months Left To Wear It!
I Was So Excited To See Her Share Her Sons Journey! We Were Torn As Whether We Wanted To Share Ours Sons With Non Family. This Was My Little Guy, His Helmet Said "Whale Rounded"
My Now 4 Year Old When She Was A Wee Squish
Helmet Babies Are The Best!!!!
People Awesome Decorating Their Helmets While My Lazy Ass Said Mehhhhh
This Is The Day She Got Her Helmet And We’re On Our 3rd Month. Her Head Is Looking Great So We Think She’ll Be Done This Month Or Next. She Adapted To It Right Away And Continued To Be A Great Sleeper Too!
Avery's Second Helmet - Cherry Blossoms For Dc.
My Middle Baby Had To Wear A Helmet And He’s Now An Adorable 1st Grader. 😊
You Say Cute Helmet Thread??
This Is My Little One She’s 3 Now But Her Head Is Round And She’s Happy. We Used To Call Her Baby Magneto And Her Twin Sister Was Professor X
Our Second One Was Simple With Changeable Bows
It's Been 7 Years Since Our Helmet! Wow Did That Thing Get Sweaty In The Texas Summer Heat Lol
Our 9 Month Old Twins Are In Their 2nd Week Rocking Their Helmets!
Helmet Baby
My Baby Almost 3 Years Ago She Rocked Her Helmet
My Son Was In A Helmet For 6 Months For Torticollis And Stage 4 Plageocephaly In 2017
My son had the same things ... helmet and physical therapy helped a lot ...
My Sassy Pants Girl Loved Her Helmet! Her Onsie Says "Helmet Hair, Don't Care!" She Was Actually The Fastest Helmet Graduate In Our Whole State, Since We Got It On Right Before A Growth Spurt, And Was Done In 5 Weeks With It.
Good, she is up and running in 5 weeks! Impressive little brave one
Jillian Had Her Helmet For 3 Months And Just Graduated Last Week! Thank You For Posting A Picture Of Your Sweet Boy In His Helmet To Bring Awareness!
My Son Is 4 Now But He Had To Wear A Helmet Too. We Went With Our Favorite Football Team.
My Son Playing With His Helmet
I love all these post they all made me smile & also give me that warm fuzzy feeling you get from being a parent. I love the way all the parents coloured then to suit there kids xoxo
Gosh, I wish those helmets had been around when I was born > I have a misshapen skull (flat in the back, slight bulge on the right, strange ridge-dip from crown to slightly above mid-back), and in a callous kind of way my biggest fear about getting cancer is losing my hair and having my wonky head on show. I'm sure my mother would have put a shaping helmet on me if they'd been available in the mid-1970s - and yes, for purely cosmetic reasons!
Genuinely curious as have never seen this before - what happened to kid's heads in the time before these helmets were used? Am 55 and dont recall anyone of my age having misshapen skulls. Ok I looked it up and it says the helmets are generally not necessary, as the flattening often occurs due to pressure on a soft skull of extended periods laying in a particular position. It should right itself as the baby grows and is more able to move it's head. The helmets are expensive and require very regular monitoring. They will help correct the issue, but there is little evidence that the condition does not correct itself.
It seems that the helmet thingy is rather new. I could not find for how long surgical treatment is available. My guess would be that the helmet allows for more "gentle" treatment. In general, it seems that less skull deformations are uncured nowadays, saving from esthetic as well as functional problems.
Load More Replies...Like a couple of other posters on here, I didn't know that baby helmets were a thing. I've never seen a baby with a helmet on, so wondered if maybe they aren't used so much in my country, and it turns out I was right; apparently the helmets aren't generally recommended here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/plagiocephaly-brachycephaly/ Those of you that have seen/had babies that wear helmets, where are you from? No offence intended, just curious.
Not saying it doesn't ever happen, but I've definitely never seen a baby wearing a helmet in Canada either.
Load More Replies...Gosh, I wish those helmets had been around when I was born > I have a misshapen skull (flat in the back, slight bulge on the right, strange ridge-dip from crown to slightly above mid-back), and in a callous kind of way my biggest fear about getting cancer is losing my hair and having my wonky head on show. I'm sure my mother would have put a shaping helmet on me if they'd been available in the mid-1970s - and yes, for purely cosmetic reasons!
Genuinely curious as have never seen this before - what happened to kid's heads in the time before these helmets were used? Am 55 and dont recall anyone of my age having misshapen skulls. Ok I looked it up and it says the helmets are generally not necessary, as the flattening often occurs due to pressure on a soft skull of extended periods laying in a particular position. It should right itself as the baby grows and is more able to move it's head. The helmets are expensive and require very regular monitoring. They will help correct the issue, but there is little evidence that the condition does not correct itself.
It seems that the helmet thingy is rather new. I could not find for how long surgical treatment is available. My guess would be that the helmet allows for more "gentle" treatment. In general, it seems that less skull deformations are uncured nowadays, saving from esthetic as well as functional problems.
Load More Replies...Like a couple of other posters on here, I didn't know that baby helmets were a thing. I've never seen a baby with a helmet on, so wondered if maybe they aren't used so much in my country, and it turns out I was right; apparently the helmets aren't generally recommended here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/plagiocephaly-brachycephaly/ Those of you that have seen/had babies that wear helmets, where are you from? No offence intended, just curious.
Not saying it doesn't ever happen, but I've definitely never seen a baby wearing a helmet in Canada either.
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