Let’s face it, we virtually know nothing about our bodies. I mean, we breathe, and sleep, and eat, and put it on repeat. But apparently, there’s some everyday magic we can do with our physique that we didn’t have a clue existed. Pull your seat closer.
You know how you're sitting in a movie theatre and out of nowhere, your nose is about to blast off like Elon Musk's SpaceX? There’s a trick for this. Or hiccups. There’s a simple hack to treat those little devils too. Because we can only take a limited amount of hiccups at a time, and every extra one is a threat to human dignity.
So scroll down below to pack yourself with some useful tips and tricks that may save your date, shield you from embarrassment, and simply make it pass.
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Instead of treading water and tiring yourself out float on your back by arching your spine and pushing your hips up toward the sky. Spread your limbs out and use small movements with your arms to stabilize. Contemplate life.
When you do pullups, try to imagine yourself pulling your elbows down, not pulling your body up. It's a mental trick that can make them feel easier, because it forces you to use the muscles in your back more.
Although you're still going to be scammed in those "stay on the bar for two minutes and win 100 dollars!!" games
Feeling depressed or just thoroughly upset? Have a snack containing the following:
--Dark chocolate (to raise endorphins)
--Blueberries (to raise serotonin)
--Green tea+ (which contains L-theanine that blocks stress receptors in your brain)
--Anything rich in B-vitamins like 5-Hour Energy, VitaminWater, or banana chips (as B-vitamins replenish energy that's sapped when you are depressed)
I've used this custom snack pack to great effect in the past, even coming back from being legitimately suicidal. I've had my mood turn around inside of 2 hours with this. I'm on a daily antidepressant now and am doing much better overall, but sometimes I still need this emotional bandaid fix.
+Hot or cold green tea will work, but for added benefit, holding a warm mug of hot tea sends signals to your brain to help your muscles relax, which you may be subconsciously tensing due to stress.
Dark chocolate also helps you after a Dementor attack ;)
Make pooping easier by elevating your knees and feet, so you're in a squatting position.
Squeezing your left thumb into your palm can help cut off your gag reflex.
Thought it was [bullcrap]. Tried it. Can brush my tongue nicely now
When you are hot pour cold water over your wrists to cool your body off. The reason this remedy works is because your wrist and neck both contain pulse points, areas where you can feel your pulse because your blood vessels are close to the surface of your skin.
Be careful to not use water that's too cold... your vessels contract quickly if it's too cold so you won't actually cool off that well. Best to use lukewarm water that your body doesn't register as *cold*... just less hot than your body. (Same goes for every other method of using liquids to cool off - lukewarm/slightly cold works better!). By the same token, wrapping your *wrists* (and neck) warm in winter can retain a lot of heat.
If you need to get up in the middle of the night keep one eye closed so that when you flip on the lights it stays attuned to night vision. That way you can still see in the dark with the other eye when you're done.
If you're worried you're gonna throw up, you're mouth usually fills with saliva a bit beforehand because the contents of your stomach are harmful to the throat. It's a pretty good sign you're gonna toss them cookies.
I see, "easy body tricks that may come in handy" means reflexes. Yes, those may come in handy. Thank you.
If you have a stuffed up nostril, lay on your side which is opposite to the nostril (e.g. If the left nostril is plugged, lay on your right side). Try tilting your head different ways and just lay there. Once you find the right head orientation, the pressure will relieve itself. It's orgasmic.
Tiptoe (toe-heel walk) every time you aren't wearing shoes, improves balance and +1 stealth. Also good way to workout those calves.
I don't wear shoes when I'm home. That would be very weird to do all the time.
Lie on your left side to help prevent bedtime heartburn after you eat a big meal
If you get some form of exercise every day, your mind and body will feel better. Lifting 3-4 times a week and biking to work/school every day has completely changed who I am over the course of a year and a half. Don't give up on yourself.
People really underestimate how important this is for mental well being. Humans are made for walking about 20 km a day actually and not exercising at all is like keeping a bird in a cage all the time.
If you are experiencing a panic attack or you are anxious enough to elevate your heart rate, you can hold a cold water bottle to your face between your nose and cheekbone and hold your breath for 30 seconds to have your body relax itself.
If you feel a sneeze coming but it fails to emerge (super frustrating), look at a bright light and it'll come. Works for me almost every time.
Actually only 18-35% of people can induce sneezing by looking at light. It's still really useful to those that can though!
Rolling around and stretching on the floor for 5-10 minutes helps to relieve a huge amount of body aches/soreness for me. It really relaxes your body and loosens it up.
If you're writing a test and are having trouble thinking/remembering an answer, adjust your position - somehow this helps you think differently
Also works with crying babies. If you're holding one on the left shoulder, and you move him or her to the right, sometimes it soothes them. My theory is their clothing is rubbing on them somewhere that is making them uncomfortable. I also found with a really cranky baby, change their clothes and that can help.
When you get a brain freeze, press and hold your tongue up to the roof of your mouth.
More a gltich than a hack, but if you position yourself in the door frame (or something similar) with your arms hanging down and push both your arms against the frame with all your force and keep doing that for about 30 seconds and step away while completely relaxing your arms your arms will raise themselves upwards while you are relaxing your arms.
If you have somewhat of a double chin or you want your jawline to be more defined in a picture, put your tongue on the roof of your mouth.
Drain congested sinuses by alternating between pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth, then pressing a finger between your eyebrows
To quickly cure your hiccups: Deeply inhale, hold it, swallow twice, then exhale through your nose.
To hear someone talking next to you in a loud room, lightly pull back on the little flaps on both your ears — then push them in.
If you're wearing wet swim trunks, wrap a towel tightly around your waist, and pull it tight around your knees as well, so that your knees are touching each other. Now squat as low as you can, you should feel the towel constrict even tighter. Your swim trunks should now be totally dry, and you can go straight inside and sit on the couch without getting yelled at by mom for leaving a big wet mark.
To calm down when you're feeling extremely nervous, put your thumb in your mouth, close your lips, and try to blow out air, letting your cheeks puff up.
When you accidentally burn your tongue on hot coffee or tea, swish with very cold water (but don't suck on ice)
Good advice. But 'accidentally'? Do some people burn their tongue on purpose? Am I missing out on something?
To ensure you never miss contact in a high-five, watch the other person's elbow.
This could go wildly wrong. I recommend holding your hand hi and still. Let the hi-fiver to the swing. Take five.
Guys: when shaving over your Adam's apple, swallow as you swipe down to avoid getting nicked.
But what if you have to swipe up because of the way your hair grows?
Stop a sneeze in its tracks by pressing down on the area right above your upper lip.
Stop a nosebleed by leaning your head forward a little, then pinching your nose in a specific spot for five minutes.
NONE of these are "hacks." They're all tips. A hack is using something for a purpose in which it wasn't intended.
Seriously Craig? Is it truly that important to you (on a site called “bored panda”) to correct semantics 😂 get a grip. Look within bro!
Load More Replies...Quite a mix this. Some are pretty smart, while others are "this worked for me one time, so it works for everyone". Like the hiccup one? Come on.
Thank you for calling these "tricks" and not "hacks". Seriously. Thank you.
NONE of these are "hacks." They're all tips. A hack is using something for a purpose in which it wasn't intended.
Seriously Craig? Is it truly that important to you (on a site called “bored panda”) to correct semantics 😂 get a grip. Look within bro!
Load More Replies...Quite a mix this. Some are pretty smart, while others are "this worked for me one time, so it works for everyone". Like the hiccup one? Come on.
Thank you for calling these "tricks" and not "hacks". Seriously. Thank you.