A Young Artist Who Grabs Hollywood Stars Attention By Painting Them With One Eye Only
Kamile Lukrecija Lukosiute is a young, self-taught artist who goes by the alias, KLL.
“I like affecting people and it is really easy to do so using art. Why the one eye? For the basic explanation: I hate drawing the left side of my portraits. But on a deeper level, in my opinion – there are so many blinded people. They blind to their dreams, they live in routine and forget the purpose of the life. Insensibility doesn’t see. I can’t give it the right eye.”
Do You mean that celebrities are blinded?
“Absolutely not. It is the people who inspired the most and I’m using them to reach the world. Even, I never know from where the inspiration comes from, but stories about the people who never gave up, who believed and moved forward no matter what – it’s what motivates me.”
More info: Instagram
“Shout out to the talented @kllarts for this one. Super cool! Thanks for this.” – says Taylor Lautner
“Not the first time I’ve posted @kllarts work but what can I say? I’m a fan. ” – says Taylor Lautner
“@kllarts captures my feminist eye with this tantalizing digital art.” – says Rose McGowan
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