In April 2015, Little Rock Illustrator Sally Nixon started an art project called "365" in which she had to create one illustration per day for a whole year. As it was not that easy to think of new drawing ideas so frequently, Sally started to search for inspiration in her own life and simple routine moments that she's going through. The artist wanted to show the natural side of real women besides staged Instagram selfies, Snapchat filters, and all the other forms of social media that rule our world.
The women of Nixon's beautiful drawings are captured doing their casual everyday life things like taking a shower, eating in bed, brushing their teeth, walking around the house without pants, and having lazy TV time with their friends. In other words - women when nobody's watching.
"They don’t have perfect bodies or perfect habits and that makes them relatable,” she explains to TL Andrews. “The scenes I create around them are everyday places: a bathroom, a restaurant, a messy bedroom. However, my goal with each drawing is to elevate the seemingly mundane girl problems to something special.”
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I've heard of people doing this, but I have never done it. I brush before bed and in the morning... fully clothed.
IF that's how women look when they meet up to spend time together, then me and my friends are weird - we laugh, enjoy ourself and definately don't wear a "This is such a waste of my time" or "Honestly I will kill you, or myself in a moment" expressions.
Why all the girly books? I'd usually be reading Stephen King (my favorite!) and eating junk food when no one was watching.
This would never happen b/c 1. as a fat kid, i never waste food, this is crazy to me. 2. if i put my plate on the floor, the cats would be all over it. 3. i'm never to tired to not eat.
The title States what woman do when no one is watching, not what woman don't want anyone to see them do.
I do this. I am always kneeling in the library. Pretty much all the books i get out are on the bottom shelf
I live in Maine. We'd eat ice cream only 2 months a year if we waited for hot weather.
briught home chicken eating cookies and cocoa. dessert first 😆
Yes, and that nail polish feels weird, tastes nasty, and peels off against your teeth. Bleah!
Oh really your just gonna leave the wine seeping into the carpet...
My legs not smushed together? Me. It's hard for me to keep my legs together since my thighs are too big.
Food took too long... eating or sleeping or being naked is the apparent theme here!
People commenting on this are so s****y. They're just lovely little drawings showing normal women in regular life. They're not meant to be "exciting" or provocative. Just showing regular life. I loved the series. And I brush my teeth in the shower.
The "s****y" comments aren't all that abundant. I looked at them all. A few people had oddly specific complaints and some didn't like the conflation of title to every image's subject. Some people loved them and some didn't. I don't see the outrageous reaction you're referencing.
Load More Replies...If I understand correctly, this was the purpose of the series: to show the "normality" of life. Although I agree, "Nothing spectacular to see here" would fit either. Moreover, most pictures depict a rather similar type of women. What I think lacks is arduousness, curiosity, and many other positive aspirations that may well be as normal as the wish to hand out on the couch.
Load More Replies...I'ma grown up woman, and honestly, I don't run around, sit around, lay around my home naked or half nude when I'm alone. I don't like the overal image of "normal woman" that comes from this series. With each picture my distaste kept growing. Not only those aren't anything special art-wise, but the way they portrait and ordinary woman's life I find untruthful.
But she does. Do you mean you don't like how she acts and looks when she's not going out? Or do you mean you are and look different when you don't go out and all made up? I think what she means to portray is that women don't always look how they look on social media since they are almost always all dressed up nice/perfectly, perfect make up. Special pose, 300 instagram filters. And she just portrays her interpertation of how she and her friends look when they don't go out. As far as your distate and. Art is subjective. I gues you should have stopped looking after 2 pictures then. XD Art is special for the one who made it and for the ones who appreciate their art so I don't really get your comment about it's not special art-wise. Art is also not always just about the visual aspect. Sometimes it's about the story behind it and the presentation is just a vessel for it. And something it's a combination.