“Scared The Bejesus Out Of Me”: 50 Times People Almost Had A Heart Attack But Took A Second Look (New Pics)
We've all had those moments when we're scared to put our foot out from under the covers in the dark or wonder why our cat is staring at an empty wall like it's something spooky. Our minds sometimes imagine threats that aren't real – blame it on too many scary movies or stories. It's just our brain's way of protecting us, and that's pretty normal.
So, the next time you see a shadow outside that looks like someone at the window, or you think there's a stranger in your bed but it's actually just a crumpled sheet, don't panic and call 911 just yet – it might just be your imagination.
For some laughs, we've put together a list of funny pics about people getting spooked by unintentional jumpscares. Upvote the images that you could relate to the most. Oh, and ignore the weird chuckling behind you. Yup, it's just the pile of clothes on your chair, not creatures from another dimension trying to unnerve you.
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Jesus, That's Creepy
I wouldn't have stuck around to see what was causing the effect.
A jump scare is a trick often used in horror movies and video games. It also happens in life. It aims to scare people by suddenly showing something shocking on screen along with a loud noise. Think of this scare as a surprise bomb that horror movies toss right into your nerves. It can explode instantly or sit there ticking before it goes off. Jump scares aren't loved by everyone, maybe because they appear simple, yet they can be skillfully done. The science behind jump scares is quite interesting, involving biology and psychology.
This Tall Guy In My Neighbor’s Yard Always Scares The Hell Out Of Me… It’s 2 Small Trees And A Satellite Dish
Our Airbnb Had A Translucent Bathroom Door. I’m Used To My Impatient Toddler Stalking Me Through The Door, But This Took It To A Much Creepier Level
This looks like a medieval painting mixed with a horror movie poster. Creepy, intriguing, and just surreal.
Scientists who enjoy studying how people get startled have a term for scaring their lab subjects: "Administering a startle probe." Despite the serious-sounding name, there's a hint of mischievousness to it. This habit of playfully startling others likely dates back thousands of years, making it a favorite activity for our ancestors and an important part of suspenseful storytelling.
Bottled Water's True Nature
My Daughter's Stuffed Dog Rolled Under Her Bed. Checking The Monitor Gave Me A Damn Heart Attack
I Woke Up After Taking A Short Nap In The Passenger Seat And Nearly Had A Heart Attack When I Opened My Eyes
I was sure for about 2 seconds that we were all about to crash until I realized it was being towed backwards!
I've seen an absolutely evil video where the driver convinces the rest of the car to start screaming while the passenger in the front seat sleeps. He pulls up close behind a truck being towed like this, they all start screaming like they're going to do, and the passenger understandably freaks out. I think I'd be sleeping on the couch forever if I did that.
Sound plays a vital role in jump scares. It's what mostly triggers the startle, and it's tough to avoid. Our brain reacts faster to sound than to sight, and it's harder to ignore a sound than an image.
The startle scare often includes both something you see and something you hear – like a sudden appearance of something unsettling. While the sound is what startles you, it's the visual part that tends to stay in your mind. You might not recall the exact sound, but the image can leave a lasting impression. Our brain handles sound and images differently, and images are usually more memorable. In a jump scare, the visual element is typically a monster, a killer, or something gross abruptly showing up.
I Found This Child-Sized Rescue Dummy On The Bottom Of Lake Natoma, CA, And Thought I Was Going To Have A Heart Attack
For Halloween I Had An Inflatable Cat On My Roof. Last Night It Was Very Windy. This Is What Greeted Me When I Opened The Door This Morning
Almost had a heart attack.
Just Some Regular Rubber Gloves Washing Accidentally Opened The Gate Of Hell
The jump scare triggers what's known as the startle response, a natural reaction ingrained in human nature. This response is so deeply rooted that it's shared across various species. Ronald C. Simons, an anthropologist and expert on the startle response, notes that it's "universal in mammals, reptiles, birds, and amphibians." This response is like an automatic reaction to a sudden and strong stimulus. This stimulus can come through sight, sound, or touch. It might be something that unexpectedly appears in your vision, a sudden loud noise, or a touch on your neck when you thought you were alone in a dim basement. The startle response developed as a defense against sudden threats, activating the body swiftly when faced with danger.
You Get Afraid Thinking These Are Ku Klux Klan Members Until You Realize They Are Only Closed Parasols In The Beach
For non-Americans, this might not look like what Americans think it looks like at first glance. But it definitely does look very creepy.
Almost Had A Heart Attack Coming Out Of The Subway Today
Every Morning At 11 Or So, Window Man Shows Up And Scares The Bejesus Out Of Me (My Neighbor's Chimney)
Startling someone is easy because the mechanism reacts quickly for good reasons. It's like being scared – it often goes beyond what's needed because it's safer to react strongly (like jumping at shadows) than to not react to something dangerous (like ignoring a real threat).
Woke Up Scared Stiff Last Night When I Noticed A Victorian Ghost Floating At The End Of My Bed. Took Me A Few Minutes To Realise It Was My Clothes On The Door
My Friend's Way Of Drying Shoes Scared Me A Bit. I Thought She Was Hanging Out Her 11th-Floor Window
My dad used to store his boots between his cab and the bed of his truck like this. Got me good once, I always grin seeing stuff like this
Poorly Colored Garden Hose Guaranteed To Give You A Heart Attack
Also, the startle response isn't something you can control with your thoughts. You can't turn it off or lessen it even if you expect it. If you've ever fired a loud gun, you know this. And if you've watched a scary movie more than once and still got scared at the same part, you've experienced it, too.
Canal In Copenhagen Nearly Gave Me A Heart Attack
It's a sculpture called, "Agnete and the Merman" based on the same Danish fairytale, and hidden in that canal. Merfolk are a part of Danish folklore.
Just Walked Out Of My Kitchen And This Scared The Hell Out Of Me
Just like the one with the Victorian looking clothes. I just don't understand people hanging clothes on doors like that. It makes it a hassle for anyone using the door.
The Reflection Of The Fireplace Freaks Me Out For Just A Second Every Time
Optical illusions, on the other hand, can scare people because they play tricks on how we see things. They make us doubt what's real and sometimes see things that aren't there. This can make some people feel uneasy.
My Daughter Just Came Around The Corner Wearing A Lavender Face Mask And Scared The Absolute Hell Out Of Me
Moving Furniture Around The Store And Glanced Over To Have This Scare The Hell Out Of Me. I Thought It Was A Customer
My Neighbor Is Trying To End Me By Heart Attack
In the end, the most effective way to deal with jump scares and optical illusions might be to view them with an artistic and appreciative mindset. Consider them as a creative technique. If you're interested in seeing more optical illusion pictures that nearly scared the life out of people, take a look at our previous editions here and here.
Almost Got Me A Heart Attack Middle Of The Highway
My brain can't process this, can someone please explain what's happening?
This Is How My Husband Left His Boots. It Almost Scared The Hell Out Of Me
Being An Asian, Seeing This At The End Of The Hallway When The Elevator Doors Open Scared Me Quite A Bit Because Of The Folklore Of The Ghost Lady In Red
Not Sure Why Your Cousin Was Freaked Out By Their Baby Monitor - This Is What Shows Up On Mine Every Night
My Celeriac Scared The Hell Out Of Me
There Was No Child In The Back Seat. Scared The Bejesus Out Of Me
Oh, I get it. Its a reflection from a truck with a baby's face on the back of it?
This Poster Of “Mr. Rodgers” At Work Gave Me A Heart Attack
Creepy Statues All Over Town Made Me Nearly Pee My Pants At 2 Am
I Hung My Chest Waders In My Shop To Dry. Nearly Gave My Poor Dad A Heart Attack
A Friend Of Mine Is A School Bus Driver And Nearly Had A Heart Attack When A Bread Truck Pulled Up Behind Her
My Grandma Made A Knitted Toilet Seat Cover And The Corner Sticks Out A Bit, Nearly Gave Me A Heart Attack
They Scare The Hell Out Of Me Every Time They Sleep Like This... I Keep Thinking One Has Passed Away And The Other Is Mourning Him
I am glad they are just sleeping happily with no death or mourning.
Checked My Cameras And This Blanket Almost Gave Me A Heart Attack
Girlfriend Taking The Dog Outside And The Bad Amazon Solar Lights Illuminating Her Face
I Got So Freaked Out This Morning With My Wife’s Cooking. Turns Out Long Beets Can Closely Resemble Skinned Rats
Just Me And The Baby At Home, I Looked At The Baby Monitor And Had A Heart Attack
Scared The Daylights Out Of Me
Boots And A Coat... Scares The Everliving Hell Out Of Me Whenever I Leave The Basement
My Daughter Legitimately Scared Me When I Checked Her Monitor
Almost Had A Heart Attack When Turning The Lights On In This Abandoned Storage Room
My Mom Washed My Snuggie And Hung It Up In My Room, Almost Had A Heart Attack
Brushing My Teeth At The Sink, Almost Had A Heart Attack With This Reflection
. . . why is there a bottle of Mississippi Mud (beer) in the bathroom?
I Saw This In My Neighbor's Backyard
Legit Scared Me On My Walk
I Just Launched My Spoon Across The Room And Screamed Like A Girl Because I Thought There Was A Spider In It
I Have A Fake Alligator Head In My Yard And Today While Taking My Dog Out It Scared Me
Sculptures Of Heads In The Woods. Scared The Heck Out Of Me
I would be scared too, because where did they come from and why are they there?