The Connection That This Girl Has With Her Dogs Is The Definition Of Soul Mates (30 Pics)
The bond between a person and their dog is something else. Once you see the unconditional love in your pup's eyes, you can't help but develop the same feelings for them as well. Photographer Ursula Aitchison shares this with her Golden Retrievers Hugo and Huxley. The best part? She shares the relationship between them through cute and funny photos.
Ursula also offers photoshoots to other people with pet dogs."They say never work with animals and yet I have spent the last 5 years of my life doing just that and couldn't be happier," Ursula wrote on Bored Panda. "Phodography was inspired by my late great Uncle and painter Craigie Aitchison and his beloved Bedlington Terriers who were always by his side and in his work."
More info: phodography.ltd | Instagram | Facebook
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"I got Hugo nearly 6 years ago when I realized that my full time job involved adorable dogs and it was finally time I could get myself one of those bad boys," Ursula told Bored Panda. "Huxley joined us 7 months ago and has aptly been named Hurricane Huxley."
She said Hugo is the George Clooney of dogs. "He’s charming, smart and cool. He adores people which is just fine because everyone he meets adores him. He is terrified of balloons but has no problem barking at camels we walk past outside London zoo. He’s a squirrel fanatic but too slow to catch them thankfully. I’ve never seen a dog love food quite so much as he does, he’s eaten crumbs that haven’t even dropped from my sandwich. His purpose is to love and be loved by all...and be the goodest of good boys."
Huxley, on the other hand, is more like an awkward teenager. "He copies whatever Hugo is doing. His tongue is always out and he drools so much, it reaches the floor even when there isn’t any food about. He is super needy and he pats you with his paw at least 100 times a day for attention. He’s really clumsy and often walks into stuff or falls over himself. He doesn’t retrieve anything and I think this funny dog is as smart as a bag of rocks."
The Golden boys do, however, get along. "Huxley adores Hugo and has since day one, Hugo tolerates him in return," Ursula said. "Hugo hated carrots until Huxley arrived and he now eats them to make sure Huxley doesn’t. Huxley will always push in if anyone gives Hugo a cuddle, he is very jealous. They cuddle on my bed so they are best friends, right!"
When it comes to taking dog photos, Ursula advises to make sure you get their good angles. "If they find out you’ve been posting 'cute sleeping photos' all over the internet, your animal friends will definitely pee in your shoes."
"Also, teach them that camera means a treat, they will associate it with tasty food! Find what your cute dog is comfortable with and make that his/her thing! Not all dogs are fine with balancing an egg on their head."
I love her. There. I said it. I thought it'd be awkward, but I feel good about it. I LOVE HER!