50 ‘Moms For A Minute’ Chip In To Help Anyone In Need Of A Loving Mother Figure
American adventurer Christopher McCandless, who the movie Into The Wild is based on, is attributed with the phrase "Happiness is only real when shared", and I guess the same can be said about a lot of other emotions, too. We humans are social creatures, and our lives are heavily dependent on the connections we form with one another. Out of those, arguably the most important one is with our mothers. However, not everyone has one.
Luckily, there is a subreddit called 'Mom For A Minute' to fill the void, even if ever so slightly. "We are Mother Geese to our loving Ducklings," the community introduces itself. "When you need understanding, congratulations, praise, or advice from a mother figure, but don't have one in real-life able or willing to provide that for you — we are here for you. We support you and love you unconditionally!" And they deliver every single time.
Over the years, we at Bored Panda have covered a lot of corners of the internet but this is one wholesome tearjerker. I know it can sound like a cliché, but sometimes knowing that there's a person who cares really is all that you need to get through the day.
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We've Got Your Back
Not just teen girls. All women. I’ve had girls come up to me and act like we were best friends when we were complete strangers just so they weren’t alone w a creepy dude bugging them. I caught on immediately every time. This is a great tactic ladies pls don’t be afraid to use it.
I once purposely stood between a leering, creepy dude and a very petite young woman in shorts and a tank top on an elevator, in full mama bear mode. He got a good view of the side of me instead of the young woman.
As A Child Of An Alcoholic, My Bedroom Was An Air Mattress In A Tool Shed, Separated From The Rest Of My Family. Today I Moved Into The First Beautiful Place I Have Ever Had. It’s Clean, And It’s Mine. And I’m So Proud
GhostWolfRaven333: Oh I am so very proud of you!!! You have done amazing and your hard work and determination paid off!! Hugs xx
They've always deserved this clean and pretty home. One of my favorite sayings is "It's never too late to have a happy childhood." Continue the healing. 🍞 🍚 Sending virtual bread and salt to their new home. Bread so there will plenty and salt so life will have flavor.
Hey Mom. I Know You Are Dead And Were Not The Most Supportive But This Is Glacier. He Is My Soon To Be Service Dog. You Might Have Called Me A Psychotic Bit*ch But I Have Schizophrenia And I Am Proud To Say That I Am A Person With Schizophrenia. I Am Tired Of Hiding That This Is Something I Have
diminutivedwarf: He looks so calm and sweet. You deserve more love than you have been given and he is the first step to the happiness you should have always had
Hi Internet Moms! My Birthgiver Is More Interested In Trying To Pray My Gay Away, But I Want To Share With Someone That I Proposed To My Wonderful Now-Fianceé! I'm Very Happy She Said Yes!
congratulations!!!! honey, love is love. and it’s beautiful!! literally misting up at this happiest moment w you both, i feel sorry for anyone who can’t share it with you, due to their own issues. please take the best care of each other forever, i know you will.
sincerely, all your other mamas in spirit
I have just prayed the gay to stay.
Love is love!! May both of you have a lovely life together. The gay is going to stay!!
Mom, I Made Pies For The First Time And I'm Really Proud Of Them!
THAT is your first time pie?
Mine looked like it fell out of a horse's ass. An exceptionally tall horse.
Damn, kiddo. You have a natural talent there.
oh i love that second pie! has many details! 🥧 the comment tho too 🤣
Hi Mom, It’s Been A Long Time Since The Accident That Left Me Unable To Use My Legs Properly But Yesterday I Managed To Walk About 10 Steps. I Hoped You’d Be Proud But You Ignored My Message
I am SO PROUD, honey. 10 steps is just the beginning. You can do whatever to put your mind to. I have so much faith in you. I’m just so so proud of those ten steps and you!!
You are a freaking rockstar superhero! How awesome is this? Never give up! If you walk or don't I am always here.
Mom, My Family And My Friends Made Fun The Platypus I Crocheted. No One Wants To Buy It Either. Should I Even Continue With Making These?
They're adorable, don't listen to negativity crocheting is quite a talent!!! Animal shelters to sometimes are looking for sweaters and toys for their littlest of survivours maybe reach out to a local shelter? Children's ward of your local hospital (Preemie's) need little friends to hold - hats to keep them warm - blankets to snuggle in? Keep doing what your doing xo
That is adorable and they don't know what they're missing. It looks like it would make a good stuffed buddy for a new born :)
What kind of person wouldn't want a platypus??? This is clearly a good investment!
Mom, I Do Neighborhood Cleanups Each Week And Everybody Looks At Me Like A Fool. I’m Disabled And Alone. Please Tell Me I’m An Okay Person
My dear, I’m proud of you for cleaning up neighborhoods. It’s hard work and takes a big person to do that. You’re alright love.
And if you’re ever too alone, I’m here. Make sure you dress warm, that photo looks cold. (:
Dearest just because we are disabled doesn’t mean we aren’t capable of great things
sometimes i get discouraged because i see statistics of autistic people not being able to get a stable job or a higher education, but then i see things like this that restore faith in myself. Just because i’m autistic doesn’t mean i’m not capable of great things
I've Lost Over 200 Lbs In The Past Year. Confronting My Eating Disorder, Past Trauma, And Learning Healthy Habits Has Been Incredibly Difficult But Is The Best Thing I've Ever Done For Myself. Would Just Love Some Affirmation From An Internet Mom That I Don't Get From My Bio Mom
That is HUGE! Maladaptive eating habits are so ingrained. You should be proud of yourself!!
I love how she's not only lost all that weight, which is a fantastic achievement in itself, but also addressed the bad habits that lead to overeating. This means she will continue to keep the weight off, and go from strength to strength. What an amazing way to turn her life around, and get the happiness she deserves!
Hey Mom, You Passed Away Before You Could See Me Grow Up, But Look At Me Now! Your Baby Girl Is 2 Years Alcohol Free!
That’s wonderful! So proud of you! And you’re beating your own record every day.
You should be so proud of yourself. It's not easy giving up something that had stayed with you.
Mom, Today I Am 5 Years Clean And Sober. Feb 14th 2016 Was The Day I Got Clean
I am proud of you! And the beautiful young lady you have grown into! Keep it up!!
I am in awe of your strength. It is not easy to stop, but you did it. Please, be proud of yourself!
Mom, I’ve Lost 60 Pounds And No One Has Told Me I Look Good. I Think I Look Good
Damn, son, you look good enough to take for a shopping spree, my treat! I’m so glad you’re putting your health first
Hey Mom, I Wore A Dress For The First Time Since I Was In An Explosion. It Was So Scary Showing My Scars For The First Time. But I Did It And I Still Felt Beautiful
Proud of you. Beauty comes from within, and it radiates from you. I imagine that was not easy, especially since people can be nosy and rude.
[deleted]: You are absolutely gorgeous the red is beautiful on your complexion and that smile shines so bright
laamara: Hey mija (your Spanish mom here), I just wanted to tell you that you look absolutely beautiful and you are rocking that dress. Always keep that smile on and radiate your true self<3
Hey, Mom. I Made A Toy, And No One I Live With Likes It. I Hope You Do. His Name Is Storm
Aww sweetheart, it’s beautiful and so intricate. I know you worked hard on it and it isn’t unappreciated. I think it’s great!
Hey, Mom. I'm Graduating High School Today. I've Survived Mental Illness, Trauma, Self Harm, Getting Kicked Out At 17, A R*pe, A S*icide Attempt And Numerous Heartbreaks During Hs. I May Be Graduating Late But I Honestly Thought I Was Gonna Be A HS Dropout. I Just Want Someone To Be Proud
You have overcome so much (more than anybody ever should) and I am so proud of you!
You are full of so much determination and courage, just carry that with you after high school and use it to accomplish your dreams.
xo mom
Congratulations!! That smile on your face put a smile on my face!! You beat the odds and are starting a new and exciting chapter in life!! I’m so effing proud of you!!
Having gone through all these things and still graduating high school!! You need to be insanely proud of yourself!!
Hi Mom, Just Got Married. Saved You A Seat. I Sent My Bouquet To Be At Your Grave The Next Day, Your Favorite Light Pink Roses. I Hope It Was Just As Beautiful As You Could Have Made It
Congratulations! You look so beautiful and elegant in that dress!
And what a lovely, meaningful way to honor your mom. There's no doubt in my mind that she was sitting in that chair watching the whole time—I'm sure she wouldn't miss it for the world. Glad she still got to be a small part of your big day.
Congratulations again!
Congratulations my dear. I might have not physically been there but I was smiling up from above celebrating you and son in law. You’re beautiful as ever. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. I thank my lucky stars you’re my daughter. I love you with all my heart. Miss you every moment of every day. Infinity and beyond +1
Mom, I Remember How Much You Loved My Handmade Things (To The Point Of Demanding Them For Christmas Gifts!), So I Want To Show You My Latest Finished Project: A Tiny Bookshop!
This is amazing!! I am so glad you were able to find the right meds and get back into this. You are incredibly talented❣️ So very proud of you
Hey Mama. I Got Up Today For The First Time In A Few Weeks.. I Took A Shower And Brushed Out The Knots In My Hair. I Changed My Clothes And Even Made Myself A Breakfast. Ive Been Clean For 5 Days Now, Thank You
F**K YEAH!! THATS MY GIRL! I’m so proud of you baby, you make me so proud to have such a strong person in my life. I’m so glad that you’re making an effort towards getting your shit together, so many people can’t do that. Keep pushing, it really does get easier. :)
Hi Mom, I’m Losing My Best Friend Today. Please Send Love
Oh my bleeding heart. I've lost my purring best friend on May 8th. It's been almost a month now, and a part of me is still looking for him. For example, when I leave in the morning I feel like saying goodbye to someone, but there is no one left to say goodbye to.
Mom, I’m 10 Years Clean From Heroin Today
Trudisheff: I’m so incredibly proud of you! You look amazing compared to those dark times. So strong.
Hey Mom. I Hadn’t Drawn In Years Because I Didn’t Have A Lot Of Confidence In Myself. But I Have A Beautiful 7 Month Son So I Did This Portrait Of Him, For Him
As your mother, I feel like you need a good talking to. You are letting the voices in your head tell you mean things. Stop it. Your drawing skills eclipse my drawing skills by several orders of magnitude. I do not want to hear you denigrate your ability or talk down about yourself ever again. You hear me, honey? You have worked hard to get to this level, and you need to acknowledge that to yourself. I personally am very proud of your ability and I tell all my friends what a great drawer you are. Now get out that drawing pad and keep drawing. Love you, (signed) Mom.
Hey, Mama. Just A Few Of My Recent Creations. My Real Mom Wasn’t Very Interested So I Thought I’d Show Them Off Here
Hi honey! You are so talented; these are all adorable and so well made! I'm proud of you for finding a creative outlet you enjoy.
December 13 2021 I Was A Brain Tumor Survivor. December 11 2022 I Became A Marathoner. I Fought For My Life And Pulled Off The Unlikely. I Cried As I Crossed The Finish Line And Reclaimed My Life
This is so great to hear. I just want to give you a big hug. Don’t ever let anything stop you from achieving whatever it is you wish to achieve. You’ve beat every obstacle and every challenge thrown at you so far, the rest is easy. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’ve got a whole beautiful life ahead of you and I have a very good feeling you destined for some pretty great things that I’m looking forward to reading about someday in the future. Congratulations on all your victories to date. And thank you for being such an inspiration!!
There should be more comments. He has made the world proud of him and more.
Mom, I Wish You Could See How Much Progress I've Made As A Person. I Wish You Were Still Here. Maybe Dad Wouldn't Have Such A Problem With It, If You Were Able To Talk To Him. I Miss You And Love You!
I see a light in your eyes in the second picture that isn't present in the first. That tells me all i need to know.
look at those eyes! they really go good with your new, amazing self!
Hey Mom, I Graduated With My Master’s 2 Weeks Ago And Started My Dream Job! I’m Very Excited
teacamelpyramid: I’m so proud of you for investing in yourself. I hope your job is full of awesome people and you go home most days feeling good about what you’re doing in the world.
Hi Mom, To Celebrate My Birthday I’ve Decided To Make 35 Care Bags, One For Each Year, And Will Be Handing Them Out To People In Need In My Neighborhood. I Can’t Think Of A Better Way To Celebrate Than To Behave Like The Person I’ve Always Wanted To Be
Hey, Mom... I Got Engaged This Weekend. She’s Been So Wonderful To Me, But It’s Been Really Hard To Enjoy This Moment Without Remembering How Much Family I’ve Lost Due To Loving A Woman. All Of Our Friends Are Over The Moon, But I Really Hope You’re Happy For Me Too
I’m SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Congratulations!! You are beautiful together and I can see the joy on your faces! I can’t wait to see the wedding pictures! Let me know if you want help planning!
You both are so BEAUTIFUL! I am beyond happy and proud that you've found true love
Hey Mom, I Graduated High School! I Was Expelled, Suspended And Missed Over 200 Hours Because Of Mental Health, But I Still Managed To Do It With Honors!
mamamerry123: Sweetheart, that’s wonderful and you are amazing!!!
I’m Almost 1 Year Sober And I Am Celebrating My First New Years With No Drugs And Alcohol For The First Time In Over A Decade!!!
Dearest, I am so proud of you! Your heart is so beautiful and you have so much love in you. I am so sorry that you had to hide in yourself. Welcome back with all your light. Wish you the best year yet, and many more to come
Expecto-Corona: Congratulations baby! Im so proud of you! What wonderful and rewarding hard work you've done! Good job darling!
Edit: and my mother says congratulations too! G- ma is proud of you as well
I Used Every Dollar I Had To Be Able To Move Into My First Apartment. I Don’t Have Any Furniture Nor Money For It, But I Have A Place To Call Mine
Achieving your goal of your own place for the first time is incredible, and worthy of celebration! I'm so proud of you.
Things are just stuff. This is already your home. Enjoy slowly adding items you love to personalize it and make it more comfortable but please don't feel rushed.
A place to be safe , even without furnitures (for the moment) , it's important. Congratulations !
Hey Mom! So I’ve Reached A Pretty Big Milestone And Have Now Been Transitioning For Over A Year! I’m So Proud At How Far I’ve Come And I Hope You’re Proud Of Your Daughter
My love you have the most beautiful smile. You look so confident and joyful, I’m so happy that you’ve made it this far on your journey! I hope, the next time you get your nails done, you take a moment to look at your hands. The hands your mother made, hands that carry her blood and her history, hands that she loved and held years ago, and you remember those hands are a part of her. You’ll never really get your nails done with out her, you are forged from her.
Thank you for sharing your absolutely stunning glow up!
My Mom Ignored Me When I Showed Her Pictures Of The Baby Boy I'm Currently Pregnant With... Here Mom, Here's Pictures Of Baby Marley!
Mom, We Don't Talk Much Anymore, Since I Came Out As Your Daughter.... I Feel Beautiful Tonight Though.... Wish You Could See How Happy I've Become
Poetzach: I'm proud you were able to find yourself and become the beautiful happy person you were meant to be
Hey Mom, It's Been 16 Years Since I Lost You, But I Think I'm Ok Now. I Finally Could Understand The Real Reason Behind Your S*icide And Your Mental Health Issues At The Time. I Going To Make Sure Everyone Understands Why You Did What You Did And What You Were Going Through. Miss You :(
You sweet beautiful child, how much you look like her
May time continue to heal, introduce new and happy experiences and people, and her memory be bright as always.
Your strength and outlook is something I’m in admiration and awe of. Thank you for loving her, knowing she did indeed love you so. I pray life brings you beauty.
Mom, I Got My Second Covid Shot! My Real Mom Is Antivax And She Won't Care
Congrats! Make sure you drink lots of water and have some Tylenol or Advil on standby. You’re probably going to be feeling very achy tomorrow. That second dose is a real doozy. I’m speaking from experience having received my second dose of Moderna on Monday.
Everytime I see someone get vaccinnated it's a shot of dopamine I desperately need, so thank you for sharing and congratulations! I'm so so grateful that you are protecting yourself and that you will be safe, and so proud of you for doing your part to protect others. I hope your side effect aren't too bad but even if they are, it will be over soon and what a relief it is to know you'll be protected. I'm thrilled for you.
Hi, Mom. I’m Working In An Icu With Covid-19 Patients. I Stand All Day & Don’t Drink Enough Water. I’ve Been Reusing My Mask For A Week. I’m Trying To Stay Positive, But I’m Watching Otherwise Healthy People Deteriorate Quickly. I Know I Am Lucky To Be Working Right Now. I’m Just Tired
IrishiPrincess: As a retired nurse, I am, SO, SO damn proud. It's horrible, back breaking, feet throbbing work. But there is nothing better than this work. May Florence and Clara watch over you. Get some Azo cranberry pills, will help avoid a UTI
You're doing great, buggy! Now try and add electrolytes to your water and get nutrient rich good when you can. After this mess, please spend a few days on you
It's probably so heartbreaking seeing all these people but please remember that you are doing your job to help them!! After all there is nothing else you can do.
Hey Mom. Today I Reached 3 Years Without Selfharm. It’s By Far Been The Hardest Year Of My Life With The Isolation, Touch Starvation And Loneliness. But I Pulled Through. I Hope You’re Proud Of Me
never give up on loving yourself and being loyal to yourself! This year has been so intense, but you have a beautiful shining light of hope in your eyes- the hope of new coping skills, awareness and vocabulary surrounding your pain, and most importantly, the hope of trusting in yourself. I'm so very proud of your courage and confidence! Bear hugs!
I am always proud of you, my talented, creative and curious son! Today like all the days I celebrate you and your amazing gifts to the world. I know how hard it can be to express the complex emotions inside you and I am so happy that you have found other outlets. I am so proud to see you work through the challenges you face and I love the person you are. Well done, my lovely one. Well done. Love. Momma
He should never give up on himself because he is a fighter and a warrior. He has also done an amazing job being clean for th that long.
Hey Mom, I Finally Am Getting Out Of My Depression And Tapping Back Into My Creativity For Event Design And Planning Again :) Made A Fairytale Sleep Over For My God Daughter’s 10th Birthday, And I’m Super Proud Of How It Turned Out
CaliforniaJade: You are so talented, have you ever thought of offering that professionally? You have one lucky god daughter.
its beautiful! do you think you could do my room soon? we dont have a house yet, but once we do id like you to!
Mom I Bought My First Car. I Am So Proud And I Didn't Take Out A Loan. I Worked So Hard For This
Wow, no loan? That’s incredible, honey! So proud of you!!
Hell thats nicer than my car!!Just dont drive too fast and buckle your seat belt!
Hey Mom, I Don’t Know If You Remember Me From About A Year Ago, But I Did It. I’m A United States Marine Now
cricketbutts: Omg sweetheart I'm so proud of you!!! That's a HUGE achievement. You're amazing! I love you so much. Love, mom xo
That's awesome! You look great. Please stay safe out there! xx
Mom, I Picked Up My Wedding Dress Today. My Heart Aches Knowing You Don't Want To Be At My Wedding And Will Never Be A Part Of My Life. I Hate You For Choosing My Abuser Over Me , But I Love You So Much It Hurts
Sweetie you look exquisitely beautiful - I hope that your wedding day is full of light and love and no shadows
Hey Mom, I Cleaned My Room! My Depression Has Been Overcoming Me Lately And My Room Was An Absolute Disaster, But I'm Finally Getting Help And Starting To Heal! I'm Genuinely Feeling Better!
Yay! Look at you rocking that vacuum. When you feel too overwhelmed by depression to do anything, just try to do something. Breaking that inertia and doing one thing makes it easier to do the next. So proud of you for getting help and healing. I'm rooting for you!
You are fabulous! So proud of you. I can see how happy it made you today; hold onto that feeling. There will be ups and downs to come; remembering how good you felt today can help move you forward. Be kind to yourself, you deserve it. Sending a big hug xo
Mom, We Found A Dress In The Attic That Fit Caleb Perfectly. This Is His First Time In Drag And He’s Clearly So, So Elated. I Wish You Accepted Us For Who We Are
You're beautiful, and I love seeing so much joy in your eyes. I accept and love you as you are.
Birth Person Always Said I Couldn't Draw And I Believed Her. Last Year My Therapist Started Asking Me To Draw Stuff And Look At Me Now
asghettimonster: Kiddo, you have a great therapist. And if you keep on keepin on with drawing, you will be a great artist. Never, ever, ever give up, and never, ever, ever rely on one person's judgement of you xo from a granny
Hi Mom, I've Been Chronically Underweight For My Entire Life, Up Until 2 Years Ago I Was Stuck At 130lbs At 6'10". Now After Two Years Of Hard Work And Eating Right, I'm 250 And Happy
justanotherjessi: I am so, so proud of you! I know that it must have been such a difficult journey, but you did it! You look great, but more importantly, you're healthy. You have accomplished something so amazing and it's definitely worth celebrating! Good job honey. Sending you my love and a big celebratory hug (only if you like hugs, of course.)
Congrats! I'm proud of you! Gaining weight can be a big struggle and you did an amazing job! You look so healthy and you look really happy. :)
I know how this person feels. I was 72 pounds last year. I'm now over 90 pounds! (A lot of it's from stress eating, but I'm still proud ) even though 90 pounds still ain't great, I am getting better weight wise! Nobody really cared but my friend, but I'm proud of my self.
Hey Mum. When I Was 9, Dad Gave Us A Few Dollars To Buy You A Birthday Present. I Thought This Was Hilarious. When You Died Last Year I Discovered You Still Had It. In Perfect Nick. There Were Tears. I Turned 40 Last Month. It’s Lasted 31 Years And Two 40 Year Olds. It Feels Pretty ... Special
Sobriquet-acushla: Baby, I loved the mug and still do. I love your sense of humor. I put the mug there for you to find, knowing you’ll treasure it as I did. I’m so glad you think of me when you use it. Little things mean a lot.
Much love,
Finally Pregnant After Infertility Treatment!
Shut up! I am so excited! My baby is having a BABY! I am filled with joy for you, my love. Enjoy every moment of this.
Hey Mom, It’s My First Birthday Without You Calling Me And Singing “Happy Birthday” But They Decorated My Office To Surprise Me This Morning
So super proud of you! Happy birthday honey, you are the best!
Hey Mom, I Made It A Year Clean From Hard Drugs Today!
Hey there kiddo. I'm so, so proud of you. Know that the strength to do what's right for you is always there. Remember it when you don't think you have the strength, or God forbid a relapse, or when tough times, or even good ones worth celebrating, come to you