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Pictures From My Expedition To A Remote Mountain Village In Zanskar
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Pictures From My Expedition To A Remote Mountain Village In Zanskar


These images are the latest installment from my ongoing project, called Immanence.

A few years ago, I was on an expedition through a remote mountain pass deep into the heart of a region, called Zanskar, where it was a 4-day trek to the minutest signs of civilization. For the first few days, I couldn’t decipher what was going on in my head. Did I enjoy this hard trek in almost complete isolation or did I hate the hell out of it?

Eventually, somewhere along that hard journey stumbling up the mountains, when the mid day sun was burning a hole in my head, it hit me, that nothing else mattered. At that moment, all my wishes and desires escaped my soul, my mind was completely thoughtless, something, I never thought was possible, the remnants of my own voice disappeared from my wandering mind. In that moment in time and space, after all voices were sucked out and I couldn’t hear myself in my own head, I became one. I became one with myself and everything around me, everything else ceased to exist. It was a feeling that went beyond our eager concepts of happy and sad, positive and negative. Somewhere along the depths of melancholia I discovered a new feeling, like a black hole, which is there but isn’t.


I’ve been getting back to the region ever since, and these are some of the people I’ve met along the way.

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    Bob Corey

    Bob Corey

    Author, Community member

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    This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

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    Bob Corey

    Bob Corey

    Author, Community member

    This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

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