A few years back I was walking my dog after work, like I did most days. As we were crossing the intersection, a car pulled right out in front of us and narrowly missed us. I was furious and so upset. All I could think about, was what if he had hit her? I would have been devastated. The thought of it made me sick to my stomach. As I went over the scenario in my head, I kept asking myself; how could he have not seen us? That is when I concluded that he probably didn’t see us. It was getting dark outside, her fur was mostly black and I was wearing dark clothing. So it was then that I set out to design the best dog harness and leash to make sure that this would never happen again!

The features seem so I simple when you think of it, but yet no one was doing it. First let’s talk about the leash. I padded the handle so that it would be comfortable on my hand or wrist, then I doubled up the nylon strapping so that it would never tear, afterward I put a ring at the top so I could clip on the much needed poop bags or my house keys. Finally, I added extremely reflective pipping down both sided of the leash. When I designed the harness I wanted it to be comfortable and easy to put on. But the most important feature is the “highlight” of this harness. Using the same extremely reflective material in four areas, it will illuminate from oncoming cars. Let’s face it street lights aren’t enough to light us up, so I needed to be sure that all oncoming cars would be able to see you and your dog. The great thing is the when the headlights from a car reflect of the multiple areas the leash and harness light up like a light saver. And you never need batteries.

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    All metal hardware.


    Runway ready!

    Perfect fit.


    Look great during the day.

    Be seen at night!

    Ultimate comfort.

    Have total control when needed.


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