Something as simple as looking at the trees through a window can provide an enormous source of inspiration as artist and poet Emma Taylor is demonstrating via her daily blog posts and tweets.

Starting from May this year Emma decided to start writing a poem every day about the trees which she often looks out at from her bedroom. Amazed at just how much variation and evidence of life it is possible to observe by such a simple act, she decided to share her daily observations with the internet.

This led to the creation of a Tumblr and Twitter feed to post her poems. Emma’s poems vary in style with quirky and alternative posts, often incorporating illustration, photography and video, mixed in with more traditional styles.

Emma’s daily posts offer a welcome dose of nature and entertainment and have inspired us to simply take a moment every day to look at the trees outside our windows.

Find Emma’s poetry here:

Tumblr –

Twitter – @thetreespoetry

More info:

11/07/19 Zoom In.

14/06/19 I pine for you

03/06/19 Hurricane

31/05/19 Still. Breezy. Windy.