Hello pandas! Share something paranormal that has happened to you (if anything has). Let’s hear it!


Once when I was around the age of 10, my dog sadly passed away from old age. We had two dogs left at the time and we had a gate at the end of the hall to keep the dogs out of my room and my parents room. We have hardwood flooring. It was around 11pm, and I was sitting in my room reading. I started to hear the “tic tic tic” of dogs nails coming down the hall. I heard them stop right in front of my door. Moments later I felt the hot breath of someone breathing on my cheek. I didn’t feel scared at all I felt safe. I believe that it was my great grandfather coming to check out what I was reading. I also believe that the “tic tic tic” of the dogs nails was my dog who has recently passed away.


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Another experience that I have had was when I was really little. When I was around 4 or 5 I used to sleep in my parents room when I couldn’t fall asleep. My parents always slept with their door open a crack. When I was laying in their bed I would look out into the hallway and see a tall shadow of a man looking into the room. Again I would never feel in danger, I always felt safe. I believe it was my great grandfather making sure I was safe during the night.


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I’m not sure if this is exactly right for this post but it is weird. I have a colleague who calls herself a medium and says she communicates with the spirit world. I’m not anti all that, I’ve just never had any experiences to make me believe there’s anything to it. As a result, I take what she says with a pinch of salt and she knows that.
Cut to one day last year. I was just finishing my shift and this workmate was just starting hers. Before I left for home, she pulled me aside and said she had to speak to me. Apparently, throughout her drive to work, the spirits had not left her alone and had told her to tell me about a leak. She said she knew I didn’t believe but, if she didn’t tell me, she would get no peace. I said thanks, hit the road and didn’t think anything more of it.
I got home, visited the bathroom and took my dog out for a walk. About half an hour later, I got a call from my downstairs neighbour. She told me she had water pouring through her ceiling. I ran home and, as soon as I opened the door, the humidity hit me. The pipe leading to the hot tap under my bathroom sink had burst, flooding the floor, the hallway outside and the flat below.
Under normal circumstances I’d have been stressed TF out by this sort of thing, but the sheer weirdness of my colleague’s prediction meant I felt more wonder than anything.
I’d still say I’m not ‘a believer’ exactly, but my mind did open a fraction that day.


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