Stepping outside the car, I could feel the rough gravel grate against the soles of my worn-out hiking shoes. The wind, funneled through valley’s steep slopes, clawed at my sweater and ruffled my hair. Leaving the parked Toyota behind, I headed towards the nearby flat-topped knoll rising from the valley floor. The boggy ground suctioned my shoes with surprising strength and squelched beneath every step. Ascending to the summit, I turned to appraise the battlefield…..READ FULL STORY BELOW!

More info:

The Battlefield of Glenshiel

Stepping outside the car, I could feel the rough gravel grate against the soles of my worn-out hiking shoes. The wind, funneled through valley’s steep slopes, clawed at my sweater and ruffled my hair. Leaving the parked Toyota behind, I headed towards the nearby flat-topped knoll rising from the valley floor. The boggy ground suctioned my shoes with surprising strength and squelched beneath every step. Ascending to the summit, I turned to appraise the battlefield…..READ FULL STORY BELOW!

More info:

The Battlefield of Glenshiel