9 Women Sing An Ancient Lithuanian Song To Remind Us That Everyone Can Sing And Feel Connected
We are happy to share a music video ‘Nine Lindens’ where nine non-professional singers perform a Lithuanian multipart polyphonic folk song. A founder of a startup, a teacher, an artist, a physicist and other women of different professions, ethnical backgrounds, religious beliefs and experiences came together for this project. Differences melt in these ancient songs as anyone can sing and feel connected.
Lithuanian multipart polyphonic songs are unique and have been listed by Unesco as intangible world heritage. However nowadays only a small circle of people practice this genre. The tradition of everyone joining a song has started to fade away: it seems that privilege to sing has been restricted to only professional performers, the song has been put on a stage and the rest of us have been put in a role of spectators.
The initial goals of this project were showing that everyone can sing and reviving the unique tradition. But the most powerful was how we felt while singing together… This is a world that we want to live in! A world, where differences are embraced and celebrated, people feel united and connected and everyones voice play an important role. This is exactly what we need to drive a change and align today’s fragmented world.
Nine Lindens
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