spiritual daily guides for living this life one day at a time

1. Do something nice for someone today and don’t tell anyone.

2. Pay for the person’s groceries in front of you in line; add it on to your bill just because.

3. Forgive yourself today—for all of your mistakes; start today to change your shortcomings and enjoy the journey.

4. Give away some money today just to feel its worth, non-worth or freedom for both of those within your daily life.

5. Pick up the tab, just because.

6. Talk to children and really listen to what they have to say.

7. Take days off to do absolutely nothing and feel no guilt about that.

8. Hug people you love more often; tell someone you love them today.

9. Laugh at yourself and others when it’s funny. Let them join you in laughing at themselves too.

10. Take more naps. Relax. Dream. Sleep late every once in a while.

11. Talk to dogs. They get life; they get you.

12. Write poems, love letters and memoirs.

13. Dream big and live large. We only have this one chance.

14. Always ask for help; it’s okay. We’re all in this together.

15. Look for and believe in miracles.

16. Be an angel in someone’s life today. It’s the smallest things that earn wings.

17. Smile and send your positive energy to someone who needs it today.

18. Laugh out loud and dance around like no one’s watching…even if they are. Live the moment; own it.

19. Let go if only for once and let yourself love unconditionally.

20. Buy yourself flowers today, even fill out the card.


21. Give away 25% of your clothes today to a womens’ shelter. These are probably things you haven’t worn in months and won’t even miss.


22. Watch a sunset.

23. Do one thing that terrifies you today.

24. Take big risks for big rewards.

25. Tell someone you love them.

26. Pick up a book. Close your eyes. Pick a number. Turn to that corresponding page in the book and see what personal spiritual message inspires you.

27. Camp on an island.

28. Make someone laugh today.

29. Go see a jazz band or poetry reading or play; enlighten your soul today.

30. Listen to your gut.

31. Think for yourself and treasure your thought processes, no matter how “wacky” – it’s what makes you “you” after all. You should treasure and cherish that.

32. Write a thank you note.

33. Buy someone an unexpected gift at an unexpected time.

34. Volunteer.

35. Talk to a senior today and really listen.

36. Call a friend just to say hi. Tell him or her how much you love and cherish their friendship before you hang up.

37. Write down a “life goal” today and make every day a to-do list towards attaining that goal from here forward.

38. Own the uncomfortable parts of your life, as well as the good. Feel that pain and then make conscious loving decisions on how to deal with those issues.

39. Keep records, photographs, keepsakes in a hope chest. Capture the special memories in your life.

40. Read to your children or someone else’s children today.

41. Walk on the beach alone just to reconnect with yourself today. (If you don’t have a beach, any place that brings you personal peace will do.)


42. Don’t blame your parents, boyfriend, or friends for your own faults. Take ownership today.

43. Construct a miracle for someone else.

44. Buy a coloring book and crayons and color your troubles away today! (All ages welcome.)

45. Plant some flowers and watch them grow.

46. Make your work your dream or vice versa. If it’s not – then don’t be afraid to quit and begin your true life’s journey – at any age.

47. Don’t pay for happiness. Find it, explore it, devour it in all the little things in life that make your journey fun!

48. Relax about money. What comes around goes around – especially among friends.

49. Skydive at least once in your life; it’ll change your perspective.

50. Work like you own the place – even if you do.

51. Tell people how you feel – before it’s too late. Relish every opportunity in spite of fear.

52. Give someone a hug today.

53. Get out of the rumor mill. Don’t spread rumors just because. Keep the secret.

54. Ride the bus somewhere today – just to appreciate your car, your lifestyle, your ease of transportation.

55. Stop what you’re doing at any moment today and take a walk. Listen to the sounds and feel the earth around you. Be alone with yourself and nature.

56. Give your child’s teacher or a teacher you know an unexpected gift today.

57. Keep a journal.

58. Take stupid, silly photos.

59. Make faces back at kids in cars who make faces at you.

60. Volunteer at your child’s school (Yes, men too.)


61. Cook a meal for your family and leave love notes as place settings.

62. Take a trip anywhere alone.

63. Paint anything.

64. Wear a silly hat all day long.

65. Send cards to people just because.

66. Look into the eyes of a child today and see and feel true divinity.

67. Watch a bird in flight and experience that freedom. Do something today that makes you feel “free in flight.”

68. Experience your true “self” today without consulting anyone or with no worry of approvals or judgements.

Do three things today that bring you closer to your true self.

69. Buy a bottle of wine that you’ve never heard of today.

70. Take yourself on a picnic in a quiet secluded place with a good book and spend an hour or two getting

reacquainted with yourself.


71. Write down a list of 5 personal challenges for yourself. Give yourself a timeline to achieve them.

Put a plan of action in place today.

72. Smile at someone today who looks like they need a lift. Make it someone you would normally not interact with – and go out of your way to do so.

73. Self-power is true power. Empower yourself today by giving yourself 5 compliments.

74. Practice silence, meditation and non-judgement today for 10 minutes. Take time to just “be.”

75. Today, judge nothing that occurs and no one. Create a calming pure silence in your mind. This will connect you to your true inner power. Begin to increase this non-judgmental time each day.

76. Give something to every person you come in contact with today – a smile, a prayer, a compliment, a small gift, energy, a flower, appreciation, affection, etc.


77. Make a date with yourself for lunch today. Get a massage, go shopping, have lunch, get your nails done… Enjoy your own company and solitude at the same time.

78. Buy a small gift and take it to a children’s shelter or children’s hospital today.

79. Work in a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter at least once.

80. Send an anonymous note of admiration to someone today, ie. “you are incredible.”

81. Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes today. If not physically, then proverbially. Think it over.

82. Get up early and watch a sunrise.

83. Call your mom or dad or someone in your family today and tell them you love them.

84. Find an old teacher and say thank you.

85. Walk someone else’s dog today.

86. Call a stressed-out friend today and offer to babysit for a night.

87. Drive home from work today in rush-hour traffic and drive slowly; let cars pass you. Turn on your favorite tunes and contemplate the things in life that you are thankful for.

88. Throw a small dinner party for your close friends and/or family. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, but just something to get everyone together.

89. Turn off the television for one whole day. Focus on the things in your life that are important and why.

90. Skip lunch today and deliver a bag lunch to a homeless person.

91. Write a letter to a soldier, child in a hospital, your spouse, a friend – positively affect someone’s life today with the written word.



92. Buy a piece of art, no matter how small.

93. Let go of stereotypes today. Embrace someone or something that you feel you “don’t like” and study it, feel it, understand it and celebrate and embrace “difference” in all its glory.

94. Memorize a quote that means something to you so that you may share it with others.

95. Send a good friend flowers or balloons today – just because.

96. Thank a veteran today.

97. Make a recipe you would never dream of attempting today. Go for it!

98. Treat yourself to your favorite dessert. Some days, we have to let go of diets and structure and let our inner children play!

99. Turn your cell phone off all day long and focus on alternative stimuli.

100. Order champagne today for no apparent reason.

spiritual daily guides for living this life one day at a time

1. Do something nice for someone today and don’t tell anyone.

2. Pay for the person’s groceries in front of you in line; add it on to your bill just because.

3. Forgive yourself today—for all of your mistakes; start today to change your shortcomings and enjoy the journey.

4. Give away some money today just to feel its worth, non-worth or freedom for both of those within your daily life.

5. Pick up the tab, just because.

6. Talk to children and really listen to what they have to say.

7. Take days off to do absolutely nothing and feel no guilt about that.

8. Hug people you love more often; tell someone you love them today.

9. Laugh at yourself and others when it’s funny. Let them join you in laughing at themselves too.

10. Take more naps. Relax. Dream. Sleep late every once in a while.

11. Talk to dogs. They get life; they get you.

12. Write poems, love letters and memoirs.

13. Dream big and live large. We only have this one chance.

14. Always ask for help; it’s okay. We’re all in this together.

15. Look for and believe in miracles.

16. Be an angel in someone’s life today. It’s the smallest things that earn wings.

17. Smile and send your positive energy to someone who needs it today.

18. Laugh out loud and dance around like no one’s watching…even if they are. Live the moment; own it.

19. Let go if only for once and let yourself love unconditionally.

20. Buy yourself flowers today, even fill out the card.


21. Give away 25% of your clothes today to a womens’ shelter. These are probably things you haven’t worn in months and won’t even miss.


22. Watch a sunset.

23. Do one thing that terrifies you today.

24. Take big risks for big rewards.

25. Tell someone you love them.

26. Pick up a book. Close your eyes. Pick a number. Turn to that corresponding page in the book and see what personal spiritual message inspires you.

27. Camp on an island.

28. Make someone laugh today.

29. Go see a jazz band or poetry reading or play; enlighten your soul today.

30. Listen to your gut.

31. Think for yourself and treasure your thought processes, no matter how “wacky” – it’s what makes you “you” after all. You should treasure and cherish that.

32. Write a thank you note.

33. Buy someone an unexpected gift at an unexpected time.

34. Volunteer.

35. Talk to a senior today and really listen.

36. Call a friend just to say hi. Tell him or her how much you love and cherish their friendship before you hang up.

37. Write down a “life goal” today and make every day a to-do list towards attaining that goal from here forward.

38. Own the uncomfortable parts of your life, as well as the good. Feel that pain and then make conscious loving decisions on how to deal with those issues.

39. Keep records, photographs, keepsakes in a hope chest. Capture the special memories in your life.

40. Read to your children or someone else’s children today.

41. Walk on the beach alone just to reconnect with yourself today. (If you don’t have a beach, any place that brings you personal peace will do.)


42. Don’t blame your parents, boyfriend, or friends for your own faults. Take ownership today.

43. Construct a miracle for someone else.

44. Buy a coloring book and crayons and color your troubles away today! (All ages welcome.)

45. Plant some flowers and watch them grow.

46. Make your work your dream or vice versa. If it’s not – then don’t be afraid to quit and begin your true life’s journey – at any age.

47. Don’t pay for happiness. Find it, explore it, devour it in all the little things in life that make your journey fun!

48. Relax about money. What comes around goes around – especially among friends.

49. Skydive at least once in your life; it’ll change your perspective.

50. Work like you own the place – even if you do.

51. Tell people how you feel – before it’s too late. Relish every opportunity in spite of fear.

52. Give someone a hug today.

53. Get out of the rumor mill. Don’t spread rumors just because. Keep the secret.

54. Ride the bus somewhere today – just to appreciate your car, your lifestyle, your ease of transportation.

55. Stop what you’re doing at any moment today and take a walk. Listen to the sounds and feel the earth around you. Be alone with yourself and nature.

56. Give your child’s teacher or a teacher you know an unexpected gift today.

57. Keep a journal.

58. Take stupid, silly photos.

59. Make faces back at kids in cars who make faces at you.

60. Volunteer at your child’s school (Yes, men too.)


61. Cook a meal for your family and leave love notes as place settings.

62. Take a trip anywhere alone.

63. Paint anything.

64. Wear a silly hat all day long.

65. Send cards to people just because.

66. Look into the eyes of a child today and see and feel true divinity.

67. Watch a bird in flight and experience that freedom. Do something today that makes you feel “free in flight.”

68. Experience your true “self” today without consulting anyone or with no worry of approvals or judgements.

Do three things today that bring you closer to your true self.

69. Buy a bottle of wine that you’ve never heard of today.

70. Take yourself on a picnic in a quiet secluded place with a good book and spend an hour or two getting

reacquainted with yourself.


71. Write down a list of 5 personal challenges for yourself. Give yourself a timeline to achieve them.

Put a plan of action in place today.

72. Smile at someone today who looks like they need a lift. Make it someone you would normally not interact with – and go out of your way to do so.

73. Self-power is true power. Empower yourself today by giving yourself 5 compliments.

74. Practice silence, meditation and non-judgement today for 10 minutes. Take time to just “be.”

75. Today, judge nothing that occurs and no one. Create a calming pure silence in your mind. This will connect you to your true inner power. Begin to increase this non-judgmental time each day.

76. Give something to every person you come in contact with today – a smile, a prayer, a compliment, a small gift, energy, a flower, appreciation, affection, etc.


77. Make a date with yourself for lunch today. Get a massage, go shopping, have lunch, get your nails done… Enjoy your own company and solitude at the same time.

78. Buy a small gift and take it to a children’s shelter or children’s hospital today.

79. Work in a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter at least once.

80. Send an anonymous note of admiration to someone today, ie. “you are incredible.”

81. Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes today. If not physically, then proverbially. Think it over.

82. Get up early and watch a sunrise.

83. Call your mom or dad or someone in your family today and tell them you love them.

84. Find an old teacher and say thank you.

85. Walk someone else’s dog today.

86. Call a stressed-out friend today and offer to babysit for a night.

87. Drive home from work today in rush-hour traffic and drive slowly; let cars pass you. Turn on your favorite tunes and contemplate the things in life that you are thankful for.

88. Throw a small dinner party for your close friends and/or family. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, but just something to get everyone together.

89. Turn off the television for one whole day. Focus on the things in your life that are important and why.

90. Skip lunch today and deliver a bag lunch to a homeless person.

91. Write a letter to a soldier, child in a hospital, your spouse, a friend – positively affect someone’s life today with the written word.



92. Buy a piece of art, no matter how small.

93. Let go of stereotypes today. Embrace someone or something that you feel you “don’t like” and study it, feel it, understand it and celebrate and embrace “difference” in all its glory.

94. Memorize a quote that means something to you so that you may share it with others.

95. Send a good friend flowers or balloons today – just because.

96. Thank a veteran today.

97. Make a recipe you would never dream of attempting today. Go for it!

98. Treat yourself to your favorite dessert. Some days, we have to let go of diets and structure and let our inner children play!

99. Turn your cell phone off all day long and focus on alternative stimuli.

100. Order champagne today for no apparent reason.