Working as a cruise ship photographer I had a chance to see some of the most beautiful places in the World but there was an old factory in my hometown Kula (Serbia) that was boggling my mind ever since I was little.

Not even a decade ago this textile factory was closed and all the machines were ripped from the inside leaving just an empty shell.

For all these years, even before I became a photographer, I was curious about this abandoned factory but I never had a chance nor guts to face it, like most of the people from my hometown.

Finally, about a few weeks ago, I decided that it’s time to face my fears. I took my camera and went straight for it. What I have found there was nothing that I’ve expected.

As I was wondering around the old factory for almost a day and I began to feel like I was inside of a huge living organism. All those ruins felt so wild and unleashed but still intimidating and I’m proud to present you “The Beast”.


The Soul Of The Beast… Or What’s Left Of It.

We Are All Pink From The Inside.

The Beast Has A Beautiful Imagination.

Even The Beast Has Dirty Thoughts.


The Beast High In The Sky

A Broken Heart Of The Beast.


Deep Inside The Beast.


The Eyes Of The Beast.