Six Years Ago I Decided Build My Own Personal Art Style And Now I’m The “Visual Toy” Creator
I was all my life an artist kid. I began my art lessons when i was ten years old, oil painting, watercolors... full academic style. Perfect for a kid, learn the basic lessons. But when i arrived to university was horrible for me, i should did the same with nineteen years old than with ten. I did not find the ambient i was imagine, and the art challenges did not very excited for me.
I was tired, enclosed and i decided live life, leave art university career and go to drink a lot. I worked like waiter in a pub during six years. In Spain! this is a lot of party. But never, never stop to draw to try be better in art. After that i decided study graphic design and digital art. My life changed, i finish my studies and begin a good career like graphic designer and illustrator, doing kids books and cool projects, but i don´t felt happy.
I always felt like an artist and one day i decided remind was i loved to draw when i was a child. What are really the things fascinated me, like a kid, without prejudices and forgetting fashion or tendry stuffs. And that decision was a fantastic travel finishing in my "Visual Toys" Gif-Arts.Today, i signed with an international illustrator agency, one the best, my art won some awards in various countries over the world and projects arrived more and more. Is just the begining, but now i feel happy to spend six years hard work to feel like a kid again. Best feeling ever.
One example about my travel remembering my kid passions: My father was a cop, one work he must did was decided the places for the city fair atractions. I remember how i loved the atracctions, the lights,colors, thousands of free tickets...really cool. I remember how usually my family visited a lot of national fairs, because a lot fair workers was family friends. I knew the fairs from behind, the real world of the people that worked there. If you see my artworks, you can see a lot of that.
Javier Arrés.
More info: Instagram
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