Puppy Hit By Car Gets Paralyzed In Snow, Waits 12 Hours For Someone To Help
When this stray dog got hit by a passing car, she ended up lying paralyzed in the snow, just waiting for death to come. The poor thing had a broken pelvis and her temperature was reaching a dangerous low. “Her body heat had actually created a hole in the snow,” Amber Perry of the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (AARCS) told The Dodo. “So she was hard to see when they were coming back to look for her… With all the grass and everything, she was quite camouflaged”.
Luckily, a couple of teenagers spotted the dog. “She was very approachable, but she was unable to move her back end,” says Perry. The woman adds: “She was wagging her tail a little bit.”
The pooch ended up getting the emergency treatment she needed and was taken to a shelter, where she’s getting pain medication, and lots of care and TLC. They called the doggie Nutmeg, and a brighter chapter of her life began.
“She’s still wagging her tail… She’s really happy. Once she’s all healed up, she’ll be ready for adoption.”
More info: Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society | Facebook | Instagram (h/t: thedodo)
When this stray dog got hit by a passing car, she ended up lying paralyzed in the snow, just waiting for death to come
The poor thing had a broken pelvis and her temperature was dangerously low
Luckily, some teenagers spotted her. The doggie was taken to a vet and to an animal shelter where she was named Nutmeg
Now she’s getting medical care, lots of love, and TLC. Big news: Nutmeg the pooch will be up for adoption soon, so stay up to date!
Share on FacebookWhat a beautiful dog. So sad that she was hurt but thankfully found and safe now. May only good things come Nutmeg's way and all those who helped her. Bless you all for looking after this gorgeous fur-baby.
What a beautiful dog. So sad that she was hurt but thankfully found and safe now. May only good things come Nutmeg's way and all those who helped her. Bless you all for looking after this gorgeous fur-baby.