This breed always tag a different negative meaning. Yes, we’re talking about ‘Pit Bull’. Celebrating this month of Pit Bull Awareness, let’s take a glance on why this kind of dog is the most misunderstood breed.

Happy National Pit Bull Awareness Month!


Am I too adorable?

They’re Funny

Image by: christinecubico

The American Pit Bull Terrier can melt your heart out. Their big jaws create their own way of giving you a smile. Dogs are simply dogs. It’s all about how you appreciate them and their personality.

Give ’em some lovin’

Image by: christinecubico

That’s all they need. Dogs do not want anything other than your love. As an owner of one, made me realize they are the fun-loving type of dogs. Sure the Chihuahuas can share her bed with you, but Pit Bulls are willing to give their lives for their owners, would you agree? That’s how they love you.

What?! They eat like a horse?

Image by: christinecubico

Unlike the small dogs, large dogs need more fuel. In other words, it is an essential for them to eat more than the usual. I still could remember how much he ate every meal when he was still 5 months old.

Outdoors, Wee!


Yes, they love playing outdoors. They enjoy having a bigger running room.

Red nose is just like the blondes.

Image by: christinecubico

In other words, just as the blondes who are not actually dumb. Red nose is all about color. They are still pit bulls. Moreover, they do not have quick tempers compared to the other breeds.

Born to Please.


Other than they are easy to train, they are simply born to please their humans. Believe it or not, they are sensitive to your feelings, no other breed of dogs can.