Mom’s Genius Selfie Trick Is Going Viral, And Kids Probably Already Hate Her For Revealing It
“I think it’s safe to say my mom doesn’t trust me,” 18-year-old Kaelyn Demmon told Twitter on July 29th as she shared a text conversation with her mom, Heather Steinkopf. She was only watching movies with a friend, but her mom wanted to be 100% sure of that – and did so by requesting selfies that couldn’t be “photo-cropped.”
Steinkopf knows that teens keep a camera roll full of seemingly-innocent photos specifically for occasions like these, so she finds creative ways to get the proof she needs. “Get on her back and take another selfie,” she demanded of Kaelyn and her friend, Stevie Holbrook. The high school graduate has been burned before. “There have been times when I’ve said I’m at Stevie’s when I’m at a bonfire or something,” she told Buzzfeed News. Steinkopf insists, however, that sometimes it’s just for her personal enjoyment, as she does trust her daughter. “I knew she was where she said she was, but it was more fun to keep her doing different things.”
Some people were quick to relate to the story, and thought of their own moms, and kids, immediately. Others, however, had mixed opinions on Steinkopf’s surveillance. See it all for yourself below, and tell us what you think at the end!
18-year-old Kaelyn Demmon and her mom, Heather Steinkopf, have recently gone viral – here’s why
Like any mom, Steinkopf likes to keep tabs on her daughter, but in a more ‘creative’ way
Some people are relating seriously hard to this girl and her detective-level mom
Others, however, felt Steinkopf’s actions were a little excessive
What do you think? Was this mom justified or just too much? Tell us in the comments below!
Share on FacebookWow, this is sad, all the seeming fun included in these tweets notwithstanding. Trusting your children is the way to go – for they trust you through all their childhood. And in this case, we are not even speaking of a child, but of a adolescent, even legally being of age.
Aww but Hans, you are forgetting one thing that an old and famous Russian expression points out so clearly. And that is "Доверяй, но проверяй", which is pronounced "Doveryai, no proveryai". Reagan used it in dealing with the Russians, and it means "TRUST BUT VERIFY". What the mother here was doing was saying, "Hey, I trust you dear, but I also want you to verify my trust". Its perfectly logical AND necessary for teaching young girls about what it means to be a caring, and loving, mother. Kaelyn will learn to appreciate this when she has her own little ones to raise. ;D
Load More Replies...If my mom had done that to me in my youth it would seriously break up our relations, make me feel embarassed in front of my friends and really uneasy to the point I'd stop going out. C'mon, seriously? Fun? My definition of fun with children is quite different then :/
Do you have any daughters yet Alusair? Just curious. :D
Load More Replies...http://honey.nine.com.au/2017/08/02/10/14/mum-makes-daughter-send-selfies-to-prove-shes-not-lying-where-she-is Here we have an explanation - the dauther was caught by her mom on lying, saying she was at Stevie's, when she was really at a bonfire or something. So this whole thing isn't only a "fun way to keep an eye on my kid" but came out of damaged trust.
Ahh, you have done some research, which changed things, and for that I applaud you. Knowledge is a wonderful thing, isn't it? ;D
Load More Replies...Wow, this is sad, all the seeming fun included in these tweets notwithstanding. Trusting your children is the way to go – for they trust you through all their childhood. And in this case, we are not even speaking of a child, but of a adolescent, even legally being of age.
Aww but Hans, you are forgetting one thing that an old and famous Russian expression points out so clearly. And that is "Доверяй, но проверяй", which is pronounced "Doveryai, no proveryai". Reagan used it in dealing with the Russians, and it means "TRUST BUT VERIFY". What the mother here was doing was saying, "Hey, I trust you dear, but I also want you to verify my trust". Its perfectly logical AND necessary for teaching young girls about what it means to be a caring, and loving, mother. Kaelyn will learn to appreciate this when she has her own little ones to raise. ;D
Load More Replies...If my mom had done that to me in my youth it would seriously break up our relations, make me feel embarassed in front of my friends and really uneasy to the point I'd stop going out. C'mon, seriously? Fun? My definition of fun with children is quite different then :/
Do you have any daughters yet Alusair? Just curious. :D
Load More Replies...http://honey.nine.com.au/2017/08/02/10/14/mum-makes-daughter-send-selfies-to-prove-shes-not-lying-where-she-is Here we have an explanation - the dauther was caught by her mom on lying, saying she was at Stevie's, when she was really at a bonfire or something. So this whole thing isn't only a "fun way to keep an eye on my kid" but came out of damaged trust.
Ahh, you have done some research, which changed things, and for that I applaud you. Knowledge is a wonderful thing, isn't it? ;D
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