I am Irina, a designer from San Francisco. It's the end of November, and it's hard to believe we are still in the global pandemic and cases are still going up in San Francisco. With holidays coming up, we have more time to reflect on how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives forever.
Since day one, drawing has been a way to blow off stress and share some laughs with others. I work (from home) as a designer during the day, and spend my nights drawing. One day, I just grabbed a piece of paper and started doodling. Lately, I've switched to drawing on an iPad and doing some simple animations to bring drawings to life. I called the series Covid Life, focused on everyday struggles and how almost every aspect of life has been affected―from eating, traveling, shopping, celebrating with family, and so on.
I thought and hoped the pandemic would be over soon, but it keeps on dragging along. I also thought I would run out of ideas, but they are still coming! This is my 3rd post, hope you enjoy these. This is my 3rd post, hope you enjoy these. You can find my previous posts here and here.
More info: Instagram | irinablok.com | twitter.com | Facebook
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Holiday Scented Masks
Human Needs
I mean, since we spend most of our time inside and do work online (most of us), internet is basically a necessity.
Thanksgiving 2020
This is a very good way to describe what's happening with outdoor places
Quarantine Plans
They forgot "bored out of my mind and want to pull my own hair out".
Something To Eat
My refrigerator has looked more like the first photo. My cabinets too. Not only due to lack of funds do I find myself eating things that I had bought months ago but I never got an appetite for, I avoid shopping until it's absolutely necessary.
Visiting Places
World Map
Zoom Heaven
Imagine just dying, and waiting at the gates of heaven like 'Let me in!!!!' while zoom keeps on rolling. Then it kicks you out and you are plunged in the dark void of space.
Bye Covid
Winter Holidays
Preparing For Black Friday...
Real Estate
You're Frozen
In zoom meeting if someone gets asked a question they would pretend to freeze by not moving. Before they blink they would turn off their cameras and type in "sorry, my internet commutation isn't stable"
Both humor and creativity have found their place in coping during these challenging times. While I've been capturing life's pandemic-induced quirks through my Covid Life series, it's interesting how others have also turned to creative expressions.
Take for instance, a cartoonist who explores Christmas through humor. Humorous takes on festive seasons can bring joy and provide much-needed laughter.
It’s strange for me to read things like this to do with covid as I come from an area in Australia where it barely even touched our state. Life didn’t change a lot for us - we had to stay home for a while and there’s new rules about checking in to places for eg., but generally, life was pretty much the same. It’s incredible to think that there are many places in the world that are still in lockdown and having to wear masks. Masks haven’t even been thought of here and life is pretty much just plodding along as per usual.
They joys of living on a (huge) island. I am envious. Sigh.
Load More Replies...I saw a guy infront of the bank put a mask on and walk in. Not too many months ago I would call the cops, now you are supposed to call the cops if someone doesn't walk into the bank with a mask on.
It’s strange for me to read things like this to do with covid as I come from an area in Australia where it barely even touched our state. Life didn’t change a lot for us - we had to stay home for a while and there’s new rules about checking in to places for eg., but generally, life was pretty much the same. It’s incredible to think that there are many places in the world that are still in lockdown and having to wear masks. Masks haven’t even been thought of here and life is pretty much just plodding along as per usual.
They joys of living on a (huge) island. I am envious. Sigh.
Load More Replies...I saw a guy infront of the bank put a mask on and walk in. Not too many months ago I would call the cops, now you are supposed to call the cops if someone doesn't walk into the bank with a mask on.