55 Photos Of Lassen Volcanic National Park That Look Like They’re Taken At Another Planet
Earth is amazing. It's full of incredible places and creatures. The Painted Dunes (near the Cinder Cone) of the Lassen Volcanic National Park is one of those unbelievable and unique spots that look like they belong in a fairytale or on an Avatar-like planet.
Lassen Volcanic National Park is a United States National Park that can be found in northeastern California. Lassen's volcanic domes began to erupt about 825,000 years ago and currently, the area sleeps. That doesn't mean that the volcanoes are not active though - steam vents, boiling springs, and bubbling mudpots are proof that the volcanic center still smolders.
Lassen Volcanic National Park is unique in a way that all four types of volcanoes found in the world (shield, composite, cinder cone, and plug dome) are found at Lassen Volcanic.
The Painted Dunes are multi-colored fields formed by oxidation of volcanic ash.
Take a look at some of the incredible images of The Painted Dunes below.
More info: nps.gov
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Serene shapes, but with such a violent genesis. It's a wonderful, terrifying world.
Notice the dried lava flow across the top left of this photo. Wow.
Like human skin. I keep thinking I can ever see that fine hair on it that women have.
Same exact location as the previous one, but a very different colour treatment. Different camera? Different time of day? Or some post-production effects? I'd love to know.