Jimmy Fallon sparked a wildfire on Twitter again, and this hashtag is one of his funniest yet. After sharing an awkward moment with the hashtag #IGotCaught, the Twittersphere flooded with brutally honest confessions, because we've all been caught doing something a little embarrassing at some point.
Have a look through the best and the worst things people admitted to below, and just remember that it always feels better to get it off your chest.
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When I was in college we only could look somebody up in a phone book (sigh)
Wow, he's gave you a chance for second time, lol. He's a keeper. :)
This one seems a bit far fetched. I mean ... lets be honest... that cat was always watching YOU!
Lol, I'm sorry that your national anthem isn't The Waltzing Matilda. I like it very much! :)
If you must have a prosthetic leg, it should come with this type of benefit.
Did you wimper into your house with your tail between your legs aftewards?
I've worked in restaurants many years. If you are friends/family of the owner/manager we already know you are coming, you don't have to tell us
Ouch....i've done this before! It's stressful when the relationship sphere of your life overlaps the familial sphere
My friend Stacey and I both worked for the same temporary employment agency when we were younger. We used to call each other ALL THE TIME pretending to be our boss Mrs. Wallace. One day it really was Mrs. Wallace calling Stacey, and Stacey kept laughing at her. Finally after Mrs. Wallace's third try, Stacey replied "Common' Yvonne, cut the c**p I'm super busy today". #WeBothGotCaught
Hahaha this -including the awkward conclusion - is very much something that would happen to me
If your friend called your home phone... she would know you weren't at work.....
You, sir, sound like the life of the party with your leg skittles and your bored husband forts.
I'm glad I read this. Until now, I thought I was the only one who ever whistled when I farted. I did it twice as a kid and folks don't believe me.
Called in sick to school . Ahahahhaa . Lol cuz it matters to your teachers if you skip school .
She thought it was funny too. And she''ll probably admit it when you're 20
Don't feel weird the only weird one in that transaction was your neighbor, who stares like that? Creepers, is the the answer.
My dad had this recently, was sat in his car waiting for someone and an elderly woman got in passenger seat....her husband was sat waiting in the same type of car in space in front of dad!
Unless you're wearing heels, I don't see anything wrong with walking ten miles.
Am I the only one who imagines Harry Potter telling this to his friends while professor Snape is behind him?
Four years old? That is still time when your parents needs to explain all to you. Not a stranger.
I did this once, and measured my hair with my hand in a dark garage. It was way shorter, but mom said that the worst part was, and I quote “that it’s actually pretty good.” Still waiting for it to completely grow back long.
BAHAHAHAHA! Something I would've done when I was young and beautiful. Except, I used to yell at them hahaha...oops!