I’ve been working with a master director of short films (Rossano B. Maniscalchi) and he asked me to provide the voice of the main character in a short film titled “The Key to Heaven”.

The film was entered in the 2022 La Jolla International Fashion Film Festival. I was surprised to be nominated in the category “Best Narration” and decided to fly to San Diego for the festival and award ceremony. I considered not going – spend so much money to fly out there and not win, right? But then I thought it would be really stupid if I DIDN’T go and ended up winning, so…

I went, and…

I won!

More info:

Award to Duane March for BEST NARRATION – 13th La Jolla International Fashion Film Festival – 2022

Here is the card that the presenter pulled from “the envelope”!

My award – and a pretty silly smile!