Hey guys. As you guys know, the past few years have been difficult for everyone, and lot of people suffered from mental illness regarding the recent events or even just regular life problems. Please share a way/ways that helped you get through depression or hard times that you were dealing with. A lot of people (myself included) will definitely find anything helpful:)


Remember life is a roller coaster and what goes down will come back up. Then remember that when you are up, you will eventually go back down, so it won’t hurt as bad and go deeper when you do.


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Sleep well. Walk outside daily. Enjoy animals. Be around family and friends. Communicate with them. Escape current reality through entertainment such as art, music, literature, movies. Help others. Eat nutritious foods. Enjoy humor. Be a good friend to yourself. Remember you are only humor. Do not expect perfection. Find religion. Take a luxurious bath.


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Remember you are only human.


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