What happens to hand puppets when they are not being played with? Have you ever wondered if they feel empty inside?

Wikipedia says, “A puppet that remains still has a dull, lifeless appearance and is said to be dead”.

This was especially upsetting for Masashi Kawamura—Creative Director at Whatever Inc. He decided to launch a Kickstarter campaign to crowdfund a limited production run of Puppet Guts, a peculiar-looking stuffed toy/set of plush organs that function as stuffing for hand puppets.

He explains, “Growing up, I loved playing with plush, cuddly things like stuffed toys and puppets. It occurred to me, one day, how lifeless and limp hand puppets looked when they weren’t being used. This sparked an idea in me to create innards that could “breathe life” back into my beloved toys. 5 years down the road, it’s delightful to see what began as a personal amusement grow into a startup product.”

Named “Projects We Love” on Kickstarter, this campaign has less than a month to achieve its goal of giving puppets everywhere some love and guts.

More info:

It’s absolutely all right if you don’t own any hand puppets—Puppet Guts are cute the way they are and make great gifts.


Handmade in the USA, these plushies come in two models—multicolor and white.