Bad news is bad. Obviously. But sometimes bad news can be unintentionally hilarious.
Take a look at these brilliant newspaper and magazine fails for example. Compiled by Bored Panda, the list serves as a helpful reminder of why something as simple as a layout could turn even the saddest stories into something you can't help but laugh about. After all, who puts a picture of a dog beside a headline relating to a violent sex offender? Or a picture of a man grilling meat beside a headline about dead cats? Either these publications have a twisted sense of humor, or they need to make their interviews harder when hiring for a layout editor...
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I Found This In My Country's Newspaper. Bad Ad Placement
Why You Should Never Put A Bald Guy On The Cover Of Your Paper
Pooh's On A Rampage
If You Edit A Magazine Called 'Where', You Really Ought To Be More Careful With Your Layout
But the 'e' she is covering with her head seems more round that the last e.
Tombstoning Example
Tombstoning Example
Oh George, You Sly Dog
Shameless Health Trick
I Can Make You Thin
Cookin' Up Cats
This Was In The News Paper Yesterday
Layout Fail
Poorly Placed Ad
Oh my, I'm sorry. I couldn't help but giggle a little at this one.
You Can Panic Now
Chemical Weapons
Out With A Bang
Why Punctuation Matters
Everything About This Is Unfortunate
Advertising Placement Fail
This Newspaper
Bowling Ad Fail
This Magazine For Parents Fail
Coincidence? I Think Not
Father’s Day Gifts
My Local Newspaper
Unfortunate Headline Placement
Unfortunate Placement Of Headlines
The Power Of Three
Queen Is Britain's Worst Purse Snatcher
Man Jumps Of Ferry
Comedy Festival
Newspaper Fail
Got Stumps?
wow i don't know what it says about me that this is the first one to make me laugh out loud.
This Is Either A Strange Article/photo Combination Or There's A 'K' Missing
My Friend Is Cycling Round The World, This Is The Story The Local Paper Ran On Him Today
My Hometown Newspaper Had An Amusing Juxtaposition
Ad Placement Fail In The Irish Times
Taking Things Too Literally
Where Magazine
Ad Placement Fail
The Telegraph Kisses Bin Laden Goodbye
When Page Layouts Go Bad
Rapist In Pilot's Training
Unfortunate Placement Of Headlines
Local Newspaper
Should be easy to arrest, out in the public and appearance announced!
Unfortunate Photo Placement
Cold Blooded Murder Trio
how can they deny murder there clearly guilty look at those sinister faces
I'm Sure This Looked Great In InDesign. Dear Me
Great Layout
Magazine Title In Scotland
Never Would Have Labelled William And Kate As Extremists Myself
Seems to me, that mostly the Britain's mess up something in the layout of their newspapers/headlines... maybe it's a strange kind of British humor and they do all that stuff on purpose. We'll never know.
German Tombstoning: "Refugee Crisis Becomes Matter For The Boss"
An Unfortunate Association
Found This Newspaper Fail Today
Front Page News
Half were really funny half really unfortunate they all prove a little more attention to detail was needed