Five Huge, Inflatable Fat Cats Prowl Around London To Encourage People To Send A Message To The Banks
Unbelievable fact: 85% of the UK banking market is controlled by just five big banks. TSB Bank wanted to encourage people to break free from lazy banks so we made five huge inflatable fat cats, put them on trucks and drove them around the city for a day.
Everyone loved them. Except maybe a few fat cat bankers. Meeaow!
Share on FacebookWhat a great project! A good message, and interesting production. I want a giant inflatable cat in my backyard now
Aghh... why did “I Hate Cats” have to reply to me.... Begone you horrible person!!
Load More Replies...But TSB is only the 11th most profitable bank in the UK! They clearly don't count in all this fat cat stuff! /s
Load More Replies...What a great project! A good message, and interesting production. I want a giant inflatable cat in my backyard now
Aghh... why did “I Hate Cats” have to reply to me.... Begone you horrible person!!
Load More Replies...But TSB is only the 11th most profitable bank in the UK! They clearly don't count in all this fat cat stuff! /s
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