SOUL has been producing very radical performance protests/ art protest installations every Friday since October 2014. This series of protest installations are known as “Ferguson Fridays.” They were born out of Gina and Bre’s, the co-founders, desires to prevent mainstream media from muting what at the time was happening in Ferguson, MO.

Ever since, the group has worked towards exposing students at the University of Pennsylvania, but especially students of color to black and brown centered political thought and critical consciousness, a mighty voice to confront being in a predominantly white institution, and trying to instill a sense of responsibility to communities of color off-campus, whether back in their homes or in the city of Philadelphia that Penn students occupy.

The following demonstration is from Friday September 17, 2015 entitled:

Who’s Fault Is It?

In the month of July, at least 5 black women died while in police custody. Their names were: Kindra Chapman, Joyce Curnell, Ralkina Jones, Raynette Turner, and Sandra Bland. In each of these cases, the local police initially denied any correlation between their departments and the deaths of these women, claiming that they had committed suicide or had fallen ill. Since that time strong evidence has come forth against the police that these incidences were murder and yet there is no media coverage of this.

More info: Facebook