In the internet age, it’s all too common for people to just aggressively overshare online. For the most part it’s banal and really just a waste of time, but there are always some experiences and stories that would never make it to TV but are just as weird and terrifying.
Someone asked “What are some of the darkest stories and posts [online] that many people don't know about?” and people shared their worst examples. Be warned, many of these get pretty unpleasant. So just be aware of this as you read through, upvote the most interesting posts and be sure to add your thoughts to the comments below.
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The story about the grandma who used coconut oil on her grandchild who was allergic. She knew the child was allergic and chose to disregard it. The child passed away and the grandmother doesn’t understand why the parents do not want contact with her.
The guy who couldn't figure out who was leaving post it notes all his house. He had a CO leak and was sleep walking/partially unconscious due to oxygen deprivation and writing the notes himself.
Anyone remember the story of the guys doing some tree work with chainsaws in a remote area when one guy slipped and cut himself bad. As they were trying to get to a hospital, driving erratically and fast, some lady started to block them as she thought they were just some a-holes. The guy ended up dying and they were able to get in touch with police. The lady ended up getting a ticket and one of the guys threw the bloody clothes at her car.
That one stuck with me for some reason.
Not everybody is just an a*****e. You don’t know what is happening in somebody else’s life. Have some compassion. We seem to have forgotten that
There was a short video of a plane crash accidentally taken by one of passengers inside the plane. It wasn’t gory. This guy was smiling and laughing and excited to reach his destination. Then the plane crashes suddenly, everything goes silent, and his cell phone camera is pointed up at the sky. No one survived the crash. The suddenness sticks with me. From happy and excited to gone from this world in almost no time at all.
Eerie, especially following the two air disasters in the US this past week.
There was a young man who went on holidays and when he came back he swore there was a bathroom where a cupboard now was and he didn’t believe anything his room mates told him that it had always been a cupboard.
He came to reddit to explain the story and basically found out he had a brain tumour.
I don't know if it quite fits, but I remember coming across a post that had a bunch of updates. I lost track of it for a while then stumbled across it again and went down a rabbit hole reading every update. It was about a guy who works on historical buildings in the UK and has a specialist skill. He got fired by the big boss because he wouldn't go fetch him a cup of tea and the big boss (not knowing the specialist field was this guy's job) decided to throw his weight around.
It was a great read as there were multiple updates following the fall out of it all. Until there was an update to say OP had been in an accident. He was in hospital and his wife was posting at his request. Then... he died from complications. I'm not going to lie, I ugly cried for this man that I had never met.
I don't know if the original posts are still available but it's available here:
Part 1
Part 2
this was an extremely satisfying & fantastic read!! it deserves to be MUCH higher!!
The guy who wanted to try h*roin to prove he wouldn’t get addicted. Ended up getting heavily addicted and posted on reddit semi-regularly for about 8 years before disappearing completely again.
It's these sort of stories why I don't try any substance, not even tobacco. At best, you don't like it( so it's something you'd have preferred not to do anyway) or at worst you do like it, then you proved to hurt your body , your wallet, and everyone around you.
For me it's definitely post from jasoninhell. Guy found out his wife was cheating on him. He asked on Reddit what he should do and then filed for divorce. The wife then [tried to] k*ll herself and their children.
It was a heartbreaking post to read.
Edit: As people in replies say, the wife tried to k*ll herself but didn't succeed and was later sentenced to 120 years in prison.
The guy in China that stumbled upon all the dead bodies in an abandoned building. He kept coming back and noticed that things would be moved or bodies added or removed.
I remember this. Wasn't it suspected as the victims being harvested for their organs?
There is a sub for s*x offenders where they support each other crying around, feeling sorry for themselves and never mention a victim.
Bunch of a******s and reading in that sub makes you really angry.
Might not be considered the “darkest” but the guy who lived an entire second life while in a coma… that story still sticks with me.
I still think about that story, it gives me the chills, then I sometimes wonder if this is all a dream, and I'm in a coma?
I believe the poop knife deserves an honorable mention, it's a classic, although it isn't dark.
I'm surpised nobody mentioned the reddit thread where a bunch of backpackers came home only to discover a dying woman's body in the background of their pictures.
And they saved her! Mr. Ballen did this story on his YouTube channel. Totally crazy. The other person she was with sadly died.
The one where a married couple were financially struggling and the wife caused a car accident to make money off their insurance. She even suggested this to her husband beforehand since it happened to a friend of hers, but he was against it. The car she hit had a mother and son who both died in the accident, but the wife didn't see what the problem was. She thought she was doing something good for her and her husband.
The post was made by the husband who was deciding if he should turn his wife in or figure out a way to move forward. The post was taken down an hour later.
If she caused a collision, esp. a fatal one, there will be no insurance to collect and the family will sue the pants off the woman that caused it.
There’s a video of a motorcyclist crashing at nearly 250 mph. The video shows the aftermath and it looks like a movie with how many parts of him are scattered across the road and siding.
The guy who has a cockroach fetish and created a cockroach wife named Ogtha. He remains faithful to her and tried to come out to his family.
The darkest one I remember, but can't find was I believe an off my chest / confession.
Guy was a gas fitter or plumber and installed a hot water heater in a families basement. The next day the police had found the family had died of CO2 poisoning and had him come to check for a leak.
He said it was his fault as he had left a rag in the wrong spot which had caused the gasses to build up, he removed the rag to hide the evidence and it was deemed a tragic accident.
A dude who had a sick fetish for parasites
He willingly infected himself with and sustained as many parasites as he could, and what’s more, he spread them around as much as he could, to as many people as he could.
Of course, I speak in past-tense, but there’s no telling if this guy stopped. He had not expressed any intention of stopping when he wrote his confession. I forgot what sub he wrote this in.
Carl H programming. There was a guy who ran a comprehensive sub with tutorials, YouTube videos on how to program. It was incredibly popular. At some point the user went quiet and someone by chance came across an article that explained why. Carl H had been committing heinous s*x offenses against boys with his male partner. I don't think the details were ever released but the words "depraved" were used by the judge.
EDIT: I've just googled this guy and apparently he was found hanged in his cell in 2014.
**he was found hanged in his cell in 2014** ...And nothing of value was lost.
There is a redditor, u/imflukeskywalker - who was very well known in the Cincinnati area for his charity work. He looked remarkably similar to Mark Hamill, and would dress up as Luke Skywalker and go around children's hospitals visiting them and bringing them toys. He was eventually caught with CP and k**led himself before he could be properly sentenced, it was a huge shock to the community but we all probably should've seen it coming.
There was a comment that somebody left on one of those “what’s something you’ve done that still haunts you” type threads that I read back in 2015 and I still think about it today. A guy admitted that when he was 8 years old, he was playing with the fire in the fireplace while his family was sleeping (just now occurring to me that they definitely should have put out the fire before going to bed though so it’s really not all his fault) but he was like poking it and a piece of log jumped out and before he could process what was happening the fire got bigger and most of his family died, but he survived. Not sure if it’s true or not, but I just think about the guilt he must feel in his everyday life.
OK, I'm outta here with these stories. I don't know how I made it through this many.
I think it was originally from 4chan but I saw it on Reddit. It was the guy that k*lled someone and would just kind of chat about it, people realized he wasn't joking, and I think shortly after he got caught.
I don't know if it was the website Tickld but I do remember some guy off'd family members, made a meme about it, and posted it. It wasn't right away but people realized he was being serious and he got caught because of his post.
That one about the guy and his wife who had a kid and that kid turned out to be crazy and one day he caught the kid holding a knife over their new born baby. The wife beat the absolute dog s**t out of the kid and left him for dead basically. After a day or two they never saw him again.
I could be remembering some details wrong but that’s the jist of it.
I believe I've read this one before. Kid was a teenager by that point and had a history of extreme violence and general evil behaviour. Both parents were terrified of him. They ultimately beat him up and he ran off and was never seen again. Something like that. It was utterly horrible to read.
The whole CarlH saga was really dark.
There was also a post a couple years ago, I think in one of the legal advice subs, where a guy was asking about how r*pes were investigated, claiming that a friend had been ass**lted. It became abundantly clear that he was looking for tips on how to not get caught himself. That was chilling.
A story where OP and his friends were big bullies as teenagers to this one disabled kid in a wheel chair, so much so to where they k**led him eventually. I don’t remember the full story, but something they ended up on top of a mountain or hill and they pushed him off thinking it was funny. Apparently they never found the kid, they never got caught, but OP feels immense guilt for his actions but from my understanding, OP really wasn’t the bully, he was just hanging out with his friends.
'he wasnt really the bully he was just hanging out with his friends' something that kid in the weelchair will never do again. this was more than just being a complicit bystander, he was in ever position to prevent this from ever happening
For me it was when the Pain Olympics sub was still active. I remember the top post was a guy who castrated himself and documented it every step of the way. It was VERY graphic and very unprofessionally done. He did the stones AND pillar. By the end of it there were only hand done stitches of where it all used to be. I cannot imagine the type of person who could do that and where they might be today.
This girl is r/sh**momgroupssay about the mom who gave birth outside in a bathtub, labored for like 2 days, refused medical care, baby wasn't breathing for MINUTES when born. and the last update we had (that Ik of) was that at 9 months old baby couldn't sit up on their own, or feed themselves. Or HOLD UP their own head.
I once stayed up all night going down a rabbit hole of disturbing stories on Reddit. A lot of ‘what are the most disturbing Reddit threads’ would have links to older similar threads so I was reading a lot of them. I haven’t been able to find this story again because there’s been a lot of these kinds of posts. But this is the one that stuck with me the most.
OP told a story recounted by his mother who was a kid in 50s Texas. She was at a funeral of a disabled kid. The kids disability was a huge strain on the family and when he got sick and passed away a lot of people were saying it was for the best. Half way during the service they started hearing crying and banging and it was coming from inside the coffin! So they cut the service short and quickly took the coffin out and buried it. Only when OP was overheard by his mother telling the story to someone else did she mention that the family was her family.
Yeah, I don't believe this at all. If someone did plan to do away with one of their kids, they wouldn't commit the crime in front of whoever was at the funeral. Plus if in the US - then legal issues about burying people without a death certificate from a doctor / coroner.
There were 2 no sleep stories that have stuck with me. One was about a guy going through depression where he eventually tries to end it. The way the writer describes the depression, is spot on. Talks about the lights going dim, how he tries to tell his family he needs help but that's not what comes out.
The other story is about a kidnapping of a child. The kidnapper takes the kids life fairly quick. Then he sends ransom notes to the family, with proof of life photos taken before the child's death, or faked in some way, I can't remember. The family agrees to pay the ransom, all the police the family everyone goes to the meet up point. The kidnapper goes to the family home and erases all images of the child. That was his goal the whole time.
Those two have stayed with me.
Many of the things mentioned here are Reddit staples, so here's one I never see anyone talk about. It's more creepy/obsessive than dark, but I keep thinking about it even so.
IIRC a few years back there was an askreddit thread about peculiar behaviors people were willing to admit to or something of the sort.
This one guy said he keeps a detailed wiki of his own life. The wiki contains entries on every person that made an impact on his life, and he updates it daily. He even posted a screenshot of one of the wiki pages about some other guy that details where they met, their interactions, relations to other people who had entries in the wiki etc.
The OP is likely on the spectrum or has some kind of OCD, as he said he updated the wiki religiously and spent a minimum of two hours each day on doing so.
Honestly, I'd really like to find that thread again. Hell, I'd like to reach out to the OP - maybe they'd include me in the wiki xD.
Enough with the 'unalive' nonsense. Pretending death and suicide aren't real won't remove them from reality. It's OK to say "dead". It's OK to say "kill". It's even OK to say the word suicide. Enough already.
You're new here, aren't you?
Load More Replies...Got to about #15 and then asked myself why the hell I was reading these. It's been a particularly low day for BP with articles like this. BP - do you remember when you used to be nice? When you used to publish pleasant things, positive things? My fault, however, for having started reading these out of boredom. Thank God for Hidrėlėy who keeps me here at BP.
Enough with the 'unalive' nonsense. Pretending death and suicide aren't real won't remove them from reality. It's OK to say "dead". It's OK to say "kill". It's even OK to say the word suicide. Enough already.
You're new here, aren't you?
Load More Replies...Got to about #15 and then asked myself why the hell I was reading these. It's been a particularly low day for BP with articles like this. BP - do you remember when you used to be nice? When you used to publish pleasant things, positive things? My fault, however, for having started reading these out of boredom. Thank God for Hidrėlėy who keeps me here at BP.