We are freelance copywriter and art-director, who work in advertising and constantly travel. We have lots of stories to tell and to make it fun and easy for our followers, we post weekly comic strips.

With the help of our illustrator Yana Solovyeva we keep our clients and friends informed about our whereabouts and adventures in the most exciting way.


More info: Facebook |

The time when big client asked us to work for free

The time we were waiting for a payment

The time we revealed our super power

The time we were remembering good old times


The time we realised that being a freelancer means to carry your office with you

The time we revealed our secret

The time we discovered there are no walls in Chinese public toilets


The time we got too excited at the Great Wall


The time we were working in different cities

The time we had to change our plans for work

The time we visited Norway and discovered how expensive it was

Very expensive

Enormously expensive


Tremendously f**king expensive


The time we went to the other side of the world, Japan

The time our Japanese couchsurfer had the cutest accent ever

The time 3 nationalities found things in common