In 1946, high school sweethearts Ferris and Margaret Romaire tied the knot. Unfortunately, no one had a camera, so they didn’t get to capture any of their sweet wedding moments. Now, 70 years later at their platinum anniversary, their granddaughter Amanda Kleckley planned a photoshoot reenacting the wedding pictures they didn’t get to take.

Margaret, 89, rocked a lavender gown and a veil for the wedding anniversary, while Ferris, 90, looked super handsome in his tux. Photographer Lara Carter snapped the adorable couple. “You can see the real love between them in the way they interacted with each other and laughed together as we would go from the different poses,” Lara told The Huffington Post. “They are a beautiful example of everlasting love and what marriage is meant to be.”

Check the adorable couple’s long-overdue wedding photos below!

More info: (h/t)

High school sweethearts Ferris and Margaret Romaire tied the knot in 1964

The only problem was that no one had a camera to capture their sweet wedding moments

So, for their 70th anniversary, their granddaughter Amanda Kleckley planned a photo shoot reenacting the wedding pictures they didn’t get to take


Margaret, 89, rocked a lavender gown and a veil

While Ferris, 90, looked super handsome in his tux

The adorable couple was snapped by photographer Lara Carter

“You can see the love between them in the way they interacted with each other and laughed together as we would go from the different poses,” Lara said


“They are a beautiful example of what marriage is meant to be”