It seems like there’s a conspiracy for every aspect, event, and occasion in our life. Think of the theory that there is some kind of a connection between 5G internet and the coronavirus pandemic, which has been continually debunked by our experts. In fact, raising these rumors is considered inappropriate, and those who do can even get into trouble for spreading fake news.
But leaving the pandemic conspiracy aside, there are numerous other conspiracies that people genuinely believe in: Area 51, Bigfoot sightings, chemtrails, New World Order, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Sandy Hook, “stolen election,” the list goes on. And while most skeptics cringe at such improbable scenarios, some actually scratch their heads and wonder… “what if?”
So when someone asked “What is a conspiracy theory you actually believe in?” on r/AskReddit, people, skeptics included, shared some very interesting answers. Let’s see what they had to say below and be sure to share your thoughts on conspiracies in the comment section!
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The media is the biggest stirrer of fear and anger and use it in order to stay relevant to keep the funds rolling in
That my phone listens to conversations. Far too many situations where I’d talk about something random and see adverts about it on FB and Instagram without me ever searching for it
Bored Panda reached out to the redditor Come-What-April and the author of this thread who said they were always fascinated with themes about the paranormal, conspiracies, and scary stuff.“I always wondered if I could maybe get this channel to dedicate a video to a question I could ask on r/AskReddit and that’s how I ended up on Reddit writing my question one night I was pretty bored,” they said.
Come-What-April added that “the conspiracy theory stuff being a subject I know inspires many people, I knew I could get many interesting (and different responses) if I were lucky enough for my post to be seen by many.”
Aliens 1000% exist, maybe not UFOs and all that but there’s no way in hell we’re the only life in this gigantic galaxy
This might not be a groundbreaking hot take, but i think that applying for disability status/benefits is intentionally made to be a convoluted mess of bureaucratic jargon and endless hoops to jump through SOLELY so that disabled people don’t take advantage of them, either because they give up trying to navigate an intentionally confusing system, or because they make a mistake along the way, and the process gets f***ed up. I’m really lucky I had my mom helping me with a lot of the paperwork because otherwise I would never be able to get the supports I need in post secondary. It’s like someone purposefully designed the process to be as unobtainable, messy, and overwhelmingly complex for a disabled person as they possibly could.
The successful appeal rates for disability benefits in the UK is very high, because of the bollox applicants are put through. Stories of people in wheelchairs having appointments for a second floor room with no lift; where if they crawl up the stairs they fail as that is evidence that they are fine, and if they can't get to the room they fail for missing their appointment.
The US doesn't provide free college because military numbers would plummet
The U.S. doesn't provide free college because Republicans understand that educated people tend not to vote Republican.
Many responses the redditor received were something they expected. “I know how conspiracies on Covid/vaccination, 9-11 and such are pretty well spread. I loved reading some more 'personal' conspiracy theories, like that guy talking about the weird soup place in his town that seems to be a facade to hide illicit activities.”
When asked if the author themselves believe in a particular conspiracy theory, they said they’re open to the multiverse theory (which is not really conspiracy stuff). “But I like to believe we all evolve on a specific timeline and that other (if not infinite) timelines where things are different exist. I love reading posts on the r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix subreddit.”
There are people out there hired by companies to make dozens of fake accounts that retweet, reblog, etc and act like real people just to advertise products.
The “Fine Art” market is a scam used/run by the ultra wealthy to hide and preserve their wealth.
Women's clothing doesn't have adequate pockets because the purse and handbag industry wants to ensure women continue to buy bags to carry their things.
“I believe that as citizens, there definitely is some information we are not yet aware of. I mean, definitely, some things are hidden from us (Area 51 is a good example). By knowing some stuff is hidden/covered up, how can we be sure about what to believe in?” Come-What-April wondered.
“I find the Covid conspiracies interesting,” they said and added that “I am staying very neutral in the Covid category. I don’t take a position regarding the virus’s origin and vaccination theories since the Covid conspiracies tend to divide so much. I strongly disagree with everyone saying the virus is fake, though. I saw people die from it working in a long-term healthcare facility,” the redditor concluded.
That the government creates or at least promotes crazy conspiracy theories to make the true ones seem crazy by association.
Everyone’s going heavy with theirs but I have one that’s less serious.
Baby wipe containers are purposely made so that you always pull 2-3 wipes out at a time and therefore need to buy more often. It’s definitely something I can see Big Wipe engaging in to get just a few more containers out of us each year!
That Facebook’s outage the day before the whistleblower went in front of the Senate was no accident.
That video game companies got a taste of the kind of money that gambling brings in and changed an entire industry to emulate the casino structure but for children.
Oh it's definitely all about money for sure, and they'll keep monetizing it for as long as regulation allows, but there's a fundamental difference between casino gambling and gacha or lootboxes people seem to ignore: money. In a casino you have the [extremely small] chance to win a life changing amount of money. In a game, you're only ever getting in-game rewards that have no impact on your life outside. It's still scummy, but it's not a fair comparison. Buying in-game currency so that you can try to win some kind of in-game lootbox reward is far more similar to playing for tickets in an arcade than gambling in a casino.
That questions like this are market research, and this question in particular is likely to be used for some pretty nefarious purposes.
The conspiracy that created the term "conspiracy theory". Think back to the 30s, 40s, 50s. There were stories of the black cars showing up and making people that start finding out too much "disappear". Enter the 60s and 70s. Mass media starts growing at a massive rate. A rate at which the government realizes that they cannot ever fully control. Their genius solution is to open the floodgates of crazy. Push a bunch of conspiracy theories into the populace that makes real conspiracy reports be ignored as just "tinfoil hat crazy". Label ALL reports as conspiracy theory. This over time creates a societal misunderstanding in the form of the term "conspiracy theory" becoming equated with "crazy". An example of this is I believe that there really aren't many people that truly believe the earth is flat. There are just some entities planted that push it as a "theory". This then becomes one of the main examples of "all conspiracy theorists are not to be taken seriously".
The government deliberately works on keeping the populace uneducated. From school funding being tied to local property taxes, to allowing militant religious parties to "politicize" and censor science based education. It's easier to manipulate an uneducated society by pitting it against itself across socio-economic and political lines. In the mean time the civil servants meant to b representing us do favors for the wealthy in return for funding and insider trading privileges.
That the international establishment are not cracking down on the slave trade because too many of them benefit from slaves, wage slaves, debt slaves, indentured servants, passport hostage victims, magdalene laundresses, unpaid internships, etc. themselves.
Unfortunately, everyone in the west benefits from slave labour. Fast fashion? Slave labour. Fresh produce (like fruit and veggies)? Slave labour. Phones, Laptops? Also slave labour. I'm not sure what we as consumers can do about it but that is the only reason those things are so cheap in the first place. Although, buying second hand is always better than buying new
Republicans/Democrats aren’t as hostile as we’re lead onto believe and actually agree a lot but are using our differences in beliefs to control us.
Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's when he was still in office and his advisers told him to write a letter to the American people to be released later after it got too bad to hide. When his condition went public in 1994, they released the letter and it was almost perfect handwriting, spelling, and grammar. Six months later he couldn't carry on a conversation. I'm convinced he didn't progress that fast in 1994 and that the entire thing was constructed over the years to look like he was mentally competent while he was president.
Observers at the time questioned whether he was quite all there. However, he died ten years after his diagnosis which is around average. If he'd already had Alzheimer's while he was in office, he would have had a life expectancy around twice as long as the average sufferer.
China is using tiktok to develop a database to experiment and perfect deep fake technology and techniques.
No that's ridiculous why would TikTok do that? You should download TikTok! You can watch funny vidos and more! 习主席万岁!
The cardboard rolls that toilet paper are on have gotten wider in diameter over the years. This is one way to make the rolls look bigger. Because you know 6 mega rolls equals 32 normal sized rolls...
The world stock market is rigged, and most trading happens behind the scenes
That the government collaborated with tech companies to promote taking "selfies" to advance facial recognition software.
Good luck recognizing anyone from a selfie with all the heavy editing, filtering and photoshop lol
All countries have Ninjas. We only know about Japanese Ninjas bc they're the worst.
Chap stick actually causes your lips to feel more chapped after their affect wears off, causing you to use it more often and buy more chapstick
Well I don't actually believe the government is putting stuff in our water that's turning the frogs gay
I do however believe the large amount of urine containing birth control waste getting out into the sewage is becoming an ecological problem
Russia is controlling social media with bots and trolls and increases polarization in society with this army of trolls. There is evidence for this theory, but I feel it goes way further than people think
Substitute "controlling" with "manipulating" and you have the simple truth.
Load More Replies...Someone makes it rain every day at school drop-off and pick up time. Might be crazy but I am convinced this is true
A conspiracy that I just made up is that the Anti-Vax movement was started by a misogynistic group of men to bring back high infant mortalities to get women out of the workforce and back to being baby makers full time
Russia is controlling social media with bots and trolls and increases polarization in society with this army of trolls. There is evidence for this theory, but I feel it goes way further than people think
Substitute "controlling" with "manipulating" and you have the simple truth.
Load More Replies...Someone makes it rain every day at school drop-off and pick up time. Might be crazy but I am convinced this is true
A conspiracy that I just made up is that the Anti-Vax movement was started by a misogynistic group of men to bring back high infant mortalities to get women out of the workforce and back to being baby makers full time