Different professors have different teaching styles. And some, like one of Reddit user RedditAdminDumb87‘s, have developed their own grading system, too.

But as tax-evading billionaires would agree, policies are built to be exploited.

So after finding a loophole, the Redditor decided to hand in just the title page for their last class assignment. However, I guess the professor took it as a personal insult because he started bending the rules to dismay the student from getting their way.

Continue scrolling to read the post RedditAdminDumb87 submitted to the platform’s community ‘Malicious Compliance,’ where they detail how it all took place!

This student took advantage of his professor’s grading system

Image credits: Olia Danilevich (not the actual photo)

And they got into a huge argument over it


It got so heated, even the department chair got involved


Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio (not the actual photo)

Credits: redditadmindumb87

The original poster (OP) provided more information on the whole ordeal in the comments


As the story went viral, quite a few folks said they had been in a similar situation