Life is full of problems, big and small, and everyone has to deal with them. Running away from them to a remote island won't solve them; the pesky darn things seem to know how to get around, constantly finding a way to haunt us. Most of us mortals don't have the money for it in the first place.
So we have to solve them. And, believe it or not, we can do it even without having all the answers. All it takes is a little creativity. And to show you that human ingenuity has no limits when it comes to making life easier, Bored Panda has compiled a list of clever life hacks. Can't cut an onion without tearing up? Put on your ski goggles. Don't have a coin for a supermarket trolley? Use a round-headed key instead. In a way, I guess, we're all engineers, applying rational thinking to develop solutions. We just need to remember it.
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I Wanted Natural Light In A Basement That Has No Windows
Paid $10 for two old windows, painted them, frosted the glass, installed them into my wall with LED lights behind them. Now it’s always 2 pm at the basement bar.
Don't worry to implement an idea you've just come up with, even if you think it looks dumb. Bence Nanay Ph.D., who is a BOF Research Professor of Philosophy at the Centre for Philosophical Psychology at the University of Antwerp, for example, thinks that stupidity is part of human nature.
"We are influenced by various cognitive biases that we are not aware of," Nanay wrote in Psychology Today. "The music we are listening to influences our opinion of the wine we drink, the weight of the spoon influences how creamy we find the yogurt and our moral assessment of strangers depends on what movie we have just watched. I call this paradigm of empirical findings the 'We're All Stupid' paradigm."
That’s Brilliant
According to Nanay, even expert probability-theorists are very easily fooled into making the most basic mistakes about probability and wine experts routinely mistake white wine with added odorless colorant for red wine.
"I argue that we should embrace our stupidity. Rather than setting ourselves up to fail all the time, we should take our emotion-infused, irrational, oversimplifying mental setup as the baseline," Nanay said, adding that it is only in those rare and exceptional moments when we manage to overcome our stupidity and achieve true rationality.
To put it simply, you won't come up with something extraordinary if you're afraid to fail -- we all do.
After Repeating 6 Times That I Want To Cancel My Comcast Xfinity, I Finally Figured Out How To Get Them To Stop Arguing And Actually Do What I Asked
My Dog Rolo Has Always Been A Messy Drinker, My Girlfriend Turned His Water Bowl Into A Moss Garden To Keep The Place Tidy
My Dad’s T Got Splattered With Bleach, He Decided To Fix With More. I Found It Adorable
My friend did this with a pair of pants and ended up giving it a tie dye look using more bleach.
My Grandpa Uses The Actual Hardware For Labeling The Drawers
Before my grandpa passed away, he was an inventor. We were looking for some solder in his old workroom the other night, but instead we found some letters that he had sent to my grandma when he was in the navy in a drawer. She had been looking for them for a long time, and we where able to return them to her :)
This Gentleman At Target Who Reversed His Hooded Sweatshirt To Make A Puppy Pocket
Naww, such a lil cutie. I remember when I had a customer came into my work and opened up her backpack and inside was a baby joey. It needed regular feeding so couldn’t be left in it’s own. I couldn’t tell anyone coz she could have gotten kicked out of the shop as animals are not allowed unless they are registered service animal.
I Should Do It Myself As Well
Friend's Sister Lost Her Car Key While Jogging, Someone Else Made Sure She Found It
Changed The One Earphone Rubber To Black To Quickly See Which Is Which
Putting Together Furniture? Use Some Of Its Styrofoam Packaging For Keeping Small Parts From Disappearing
Hand Sewing A 1/4 Inches Hem And I Hate Juggling The Ruler
He’s So Small He Can Sneak Through The Fence When He Goes Outside, So He Must Wear The Escape-Proof Wiener Bun Of Shame At Potty Time
Wearing A Face Mask For An Extended Period Of Time. Sew A Button To A Headband To Keep From Destroying Your Ears
An original idea which I'm sure could benefit essential workers and us alike
This Bra Used To Protect A Horse's Infected Eye, Whilst Also Allowing It To See
Sneaky Grandpa
You Can Connect Two Ziplock Bags By Flipping One Inside Out To Make A Larger One
"Grandma, Do You Have Some Rice That I Can Put My Phone In? It Got Wet." - She Pulls This Out Of A Cabinet
My Husband Made This Book-Holder-Opener For Me To Ease Hand Cramping
A Life Hack For Anyone In Higher Education
But they still have to pay for those $400 books written by their professor...
When You Don't Have A Suit But Need One
When Your Phone Touch Is Broken
its these techno tips that are invaluable for us non technos who would never work these things out
Instead Of Buying Those Cheap Plastic Chair Mats, I Bought A Box Of Laminate Flooring Planks And Put Them Together. Took Less Than 10 Minutes And Feels Sturdy. Chair Rolls So Smooth
Someone At My Work Created A Clock Out Of Two Cups To Keep Track Of How Fresh The Coffee Is
In Queensland We Get A Lot Of Insects Who Escape The Heat By Getting Inside Via The Drains. My Wife Had This Idea As A Barrier. Those Are Stocking Socks
The Vet Said The Anti-Scratch Cone Would Be $50.00. Tractor Supply Had It For $19.95
But you can get an actual cone from a pet store for the price of that hat, lol
I Was Running Late For Work And Couldn't Find Her Leash, This Is How I Walked My Dog This Morning
Crazy Sore Muscles But No Bath Tub? Improvise. Adapt. Overcome
To Remove Strong Adhesive Labels From Plastic Containers, Simply Put Them In The Freezer For A Few Hours Before Peeling
Thank you, I will try this next time. If it does work, whether you're male or female, I will divorce my wife and marry you. This has been a bane of my life for so long; my wife will understand.
Got Her Spayed And The Vet Didn’t Have Cones Small Enough
The Easiest Way To Water Your Garden
That will only work if it's raining. But if it's raining, they're getting watered anyway
Use Bobby Pins To Untie Stubborn Shoelaces
Need Tweezers In A Pinch?
Soviet Lifehack
If You're Like Me And Have A Broken Laptop Hinge
I Use The Selfie Camera More To Plug Things Into The Back Of My Computer Than To Actually Take Selfies
Why Is This Not Marketed As A Feature On All Wheelbarrows?
Hate When Companies Ask For Your Email Address? This Is For You
New Safe Browsing Accessory
Cables Managed
This looks so good I want to buy some cables just to have them organised.