30 Times People Experienced Pareidolia In The Most Unexpected Places
Pareidolia is not just a simple mind trick making you see funny faces on things when there actually are none. It's no sign of psychosis coming your way either, but rather a quite complex, pre-historical self-defense mechanism. Yes, it's true, seeing unlikely faces helped our ancestors survive; if you presumed that the rustling bush has a saber-toothed tigers' face hidden behind the leaves, chances are you'd run and save yourself if there actually was a beast lurking in the greenery.
Bored Panda has compiled a series of cool photos in which your mind might perceive a pattern that isn't there. It also turns out that you are more likely to see them if you're a woman, as women are better at reading faces. Pareidolia is also a good sign of a well-developed judgment in dangerous situations and decision making, so if you see all the faces in the funny photos below, you can tap yourself on the shoulder for being a well-adapted human being.
Now, scroll down for our picks of the funniest faces seen on the most boring everyday things or caught by perfect timing in the clouds, and if you feel that these weird photos are not enough for you, we also made a list on Times Everyday Objects Were Actually Pop Culture Icons In Disguise.
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All Dogs Go To Heaven
The Water Flying Onto This Elephant Looks Like An Elephant Too
A Shark Hanging Upside Down Looks Like Someone Laughing Maniacally
Throwing Shade And Disapproval
Bad Omen?
Get Yourself Someone Who's As Happy To See You Like This Beer Is Happy To See Me
He Fried For Our Sins
Cat Or Dog Jumping Over A House? Which One Do You See?
This Eroded Rock
The Makeup Squirt On My Sponge Resembled A Cat This Morning
This Plastic Bag Looks Exactly Like A Cat
You Get Afraid Thinking These Are Ku Klux Klan Members Until You Realize They Are Only Closed Parasols In The Beach
This Odd Bonsai
This Plant That Looks Like A Human Face
My God
Hello, Little Sundog
Treacherous Bedroom Lamp Shadow
Lady In White Waterfall
Was Cooking Pasta When Suddenly Cookie Monster
When You Just Can’t Bear It Anymore
This Incredible Carrot Hand Was Found While Digging Juice Carrots At Our Farm Today
This Cactus Looks Like It's Giving The Middle Finger
There Was A Sausage From Breakfast In The Fridge That Fell In, Thought Someone Had Lost A Finger
Even My Coffee Cup Didn’t Want To Get Up This Morning
The Underside Of A Sawfish Better Known As “I’d Like To Speak To Your Manager”
This Microphone Looks Like He Really Messed Up
I think he is just surprised that people always talk behind his back (because the microphone is on his... I'm sure you got what I meant)
My Duckling Has A Husky On Her Beak
Honestly, I Feel Threatened Right Now
when you supposed to take your car for a wash, but end up else where. lol
This Rock Resembles A Dog
Shadow Cast By My Light Looks Like The Gingerbread Man Hanged Himself
working on road works in a rural area and looked up and seen this.. clouds_013...11147c.jpg
working on road works in a rural area and looked up and seen this.. clouds_013...11147c.jpg