I saw a sign years ago as I drove into the Burning Man festival, that said “You are not the weirdo here”. It brought tears to my eyes. Yes. Finding a tribe of fellow weirdos is important for your mental health. It’s also good for your creativity.

I developed my costume art after finding my tribe in that dusty desert. I’ve gone on to create Organic Armor commissions for weirdos in kindred tribes of all sorts, from World of Warcraft players, to horror fans, from faerie festival revelers to steampunk tinkerers.

Tribes of fans usually find each other online and meet up at cons and festivals. The support and synergy that happens at these events always inspires me.

Recently I spent the weekend with another tribe of weirdos, the merfolk. We had a vendor booth at NC Mermania, a gathering of 400 mermaids and mermen from all over the world. This tribe has an obsession with tails. They thrive in humid conditions and have a close association with pirates and sea turtles! They are also one of the friendliest and most generous groups I’ve ever hung out with. I’m grateful for having had the opportunity to make several spectacular mer-themed costume commissions since first meeting up with this community four years ago.

It’s easy to dismiss tribes of weirdos resolutely creating their own odd culture and community, as silly. But as I watched new and old friends frolic in the pool and sing goofy karaoke at the Fathom’s Below Ball, I could see how the bonds being formed fostered strength and imagination. It is a welcoming, open-minded group. We certainly need as much of that as possible these days.

“No Spectators” is another sign I’ve seen in the desert, a message we should all take to heart. I encourage everyone to find their weirdo tribe and participate in it as fully as they can.


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Mermania 2017, photo: Sean Norman

Merman Arion in circlet and armband, photo: Mamzelle Bulle

Isopod pauldron

Sea Goddess set, photo: Nic Adams


Mer King set, photo: Tempus Fugit Design

Lionfish set, photo: Tempus Fugit Design

Spider crab belt