The children that arrive at the orphanage in Alytus are different, very vulnerable, and they need special attention, care and help of various specialists. Attention for a child in the orphanage is not individualised; the lack of encouragement of cognitive activity, emotional relations, adequate parental example (as inspiration) is inevitable.
The creative aspirations of my brother and I came through early yet they were constantly clouded by the poor household and parental negligence and later – by routine environment of the orphanage. We were rst directed towards arts by the head teachers of the orphanage when they noticed out talents. We were the rst children from the orphanage to study in Alytus Art School. The head teachers observed out creative activities and encouraged to aim further. Almost all our ideas and thoughts that are re ected in our works arise from the story of our lives.
The project helped my brother and me to carry out the function of public intellectuals – an authority who can analyse social problems. Belief in the power of human empathy, following the impact of the realistically drawn portraits of the young people and the curiosity of the spectator to know more about them, we consciously created a situation of emotional manipulation.
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