I was on short trip with friend to one of the beautiful city in Poland- Wrocław. Apart from a tiring journey and sleep-deprived, when I saw the charming old town with lovely views, It took just one day to fall in love with this place. Sunny day, sightseeing… What more do you want? I don’t know but If someone was also in Cracow, could compare both cities because I think that both cities have something similar in them. I recommend to all of you the prevailing atmosphere there. What more to say? I will be back there for sure!

View from – Archikatedra św. Jana Chrzciciela

Archikatedra św. Jana Chrzciciela

Hala Stulecia

The area around Hala Stulecia


Tumski Bridge

Bulwary by the river Odra

Intersting street art

Popular Wroclaw dwarfs