So, its ROUND 2!! I mean pregnancy number 2.

Our first baby was 4 years back, our beautiful daughter Mia. I must say I am a photographer because of her today. I have captured all the 4 years of her life through my lens. Being our first baby, the attention she got from me was immerse, obviously :)


We found out that I was going to have our second baby, we were super excited and couldn’t wait. It was until last few weeks of my pregnancy, it struck me that I wont have much time to spent with my Mia, my darling daughter. I did get super emotional about it ( crazy hormones :D) So I decided I would send more time with her doing things that she loves on every FRIDAY, that’s when she doesn’t go to school. And the photographer in me dint want to miss this chance to capture those moments.

I called it “FRIDAY WITH MIA”

She loved it and waits for Friday’s now :)

Here are the images I would love to share with all the moms, Hope you will love them!















