The whole world contained inside a tiny sphere on your neck – how cool is that! These miniature bouquets are made from real flowers and herbs, carefully preserved to retain their colors and shape for many years to come.

Is it worth trying to create something that rivals nature’s beauty?

Today I’m going to share with you some behind-the-scenes secrets of how these miniature worlds are born.

I adore forest walks and continuously get inspiration from tiny treasures underfoot. Aren’t these mushrooms precious?

First I make a miniature forest glade with mushrooms. I strive to make the bouquet look as natural as possible. All of my miniatures are similar to each other, but no two pieces of jewelry are identical. We are all different, so why shouldn’t the things we wear to express ourselves be unique?

After I arrange the tiny bouquets, I place them in a special silicone form and pour in the resin. In three days they will be dry, then I can take the spheres out of the molds.

Next, I sand and polish until I have a perfectly smooth sphere. The last step in the process is to attach fittings. Finally, the necklace is ready to ship. The entire process takes more than a week. The result is worth the effort!

More info:

Mushroom necklace


Tiny bouquet #1


Tiny bouquets #2


Work with resin

White and blue flower necklace

Red flower necklace

A stunning resin necklace with 2 tiny mushrooms