What is something you want to confess but are afraid of the consequences or what others will think/say? Be it a secret crush, fantasy, kink or action on your behalf. Like "fesshole" but Bored Panda style.

Mine is a kink: I like the way a blindfold and gas mask looks on people (obviously not in a threatening kind of way). I don't have the guts to admit it to my husband of 7 years...


I’m going to do my second one, because I’m afraid of what will happen if I post my first one.

I stole a bottle of the baby-bottle-shaped candy/juice stuff from a grocery store when I was like seven. I then felt so bad about it that I lied to my mom and said that I had found it under my bed… she didn’t push me on it but I still feel bad to this day.

The worst part is that it was possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted.


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