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In cartoons, 0% of princesses are coders, boys are twice as likely to take the lead, 73% of characters have white Caucasian skin (compared to only 15% of people in the world!), and 92% of female characters are underweight. Plus, not one superhero recycles. That’s not right. There’s other crazy stuff going on too. Why is a tub of posh ice cream made in England more expensive than a new T-shirt made in China? It doesn’t make sense.

Stories shape how we think about ourselves and the world. From the moment we pop out of the womb, we’re bombarded with subtle and not-so-subtle messages about our gender, race, sexuality and visibility. Currently, those stories show us that if you’re white and male, you’re more visible. They tell us that if you’re a girl you should be an air stewardess, not a pilot, and if you’re a boy you can’t like pink.

That’s why I joined the Children’s Intelligence Agency. Adults can be boring, and say stupid things about how nothing ever changes; they don’t always tell the truth, and sometimes they don’t even notice what’s going on… and they certainly don’t ask nearly enough questions. So I’m proud to be an OAA (Older Aged Agent) for the CIA. If anyone can get to the bottom of this nonsense and really make a change to this world, it’s kids.


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