We are the journalism students from Poland.

We would like to encourage people to be more responsible while reading, watching and listening to media.

We would like journalists to create meaningful content, that will have sufficient space and audience.

We believe that everyone, by making daily choices, decides which content dominates in the media.

That’s why we created social campaign called “I am a journalist”.

The campaign gained a great buzz in Poland. Now it’s going global. Help us share our message!

Who we are?

The MediaTory Awards were created 10 years ago by a group of journalism students from the Jagiellonian University in Cracow to to reward their role models, as well as to show journalists that a new generation is watching them and trying to follow their lead. Journalism students from 22 universities in Poland vote annually for the best authors of the past year.

This year is special due to the MediaTory’s anniversary, so something more had to be done.

Campaign organized by MediaTory is an answer to the lack of social awareness of how media industry works. The audience of traditional information sources are criticising the quality of journalism, stating, that it is becoming worse and worse. Campaign inverts that point of view. It shows, that the audience is also responsible for the content since even the best article will not influence the world without proper popularity.

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