Sydney-based artist Ben Young creates astonishing glass sculptures that look just like ocean waves. Young puts layer upon layer of hand-cut laminated glass sheets and then hand-carves them into waves and other water forms.

The artist turns the glass sheets into seascapes by hand, drawing, cutting and crafting them from the beginning to the end without the use of any computers. Planning and sketching are the longest and most difficult glass art parts.

Young has spent most of his life by the sea so he has always been inspired by the ocean. It comes with no surprise, then, that he focuses on the sea, trying to capture in his unique art what he has seen during all those years near the ocean. “I love watching the two-dimensional shapes evolve into three-dimensional creations and the different way the light plays inside the glass,” writes the Young. “I love the liquid qualities the glass brings with it. It enables me to play with lighting and watch the glass react.” Now scroll down below and check his cool art for yourself!

More info: Website | Gallery (h/t: laboitevertecolossal)