For several years we’re making necklaces and pendants, sculptures and candle holders (and lots of other items) using just everything we can find in the forest near the home. So leaves and flowers (together with insects and bird skulls) are converted into…

We’re always in a search of new ideas and forms, hardly trying to make the beauty of nature, so fragile and fast-passing, eternal.

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Honeycomb, copper plated to make this small pendants

Kiwi bird from a piece of cornelian

May-lily earrings

Ginkgo leaves before, candle holders – after


Ginkgo leaves necklace

Sphynx moth, some garnet and amethyst. Big and beautiful butterfly

“Tree of life” with oak leaves


My Cat. And volcano glass necklace, that is much less inportant


Mushroom. Real. Non-eatable, you know…

Mistletoe necklace with a bit of enamele for color

Looks frightening, yeah?

Bird skull from our forest

Wasp wax pieces. Love this amber!


Some color in winter?

Christmas colors!


Grasshopper. Expensive. Really cute.

Shining piece of autumn

Love this leaves!