My daughter recently gave birth to my second grandson. As an educated and informed mom, she is active on social media sites that discuss the topics of breastfeeding and other challenges mothers face in the first few months. She told me about a new fad that is going viral among moms that are embracing their babes to their bosoms breastfeeding and proud of it. Ladies all over are taking a photo of their babes latched onto their breast and running it through an app that combines a tree with an abstract color palette.

She told me about this new selfie fad, and mentioned to me that since she knows I am an experienced watercolor artist that I could successfully do this as a watercolor. I took it one step further and included some hand lettered quotes about mother and child breastfeeding, and also added the babies’ names.

My daughter has two beautiful sons and since she very successfully breastfed the first, she quickly adapted to breastfeeding his little brother. I breastfed both of my children over 30 years ago, and can understand her emotions and feelings of connection with her child during this special bond.

The painting I did of her and my grandson could also be a painting of a mom holding her child or a family portrait. Combining a tree or a vine showing the roots and family connection intertwined with their portraits in this unique palette is a technique I would like to explore further.

My ETSY shop shows my art and also a link to where I can be contacted for special orders for this and other paintings.

More info: Etsy

“Tree of Life” Breastie painting with quote


My daughter recently gave birth to my second grandson. As an educated and informed mom, she is active on social media sites that discuss the topics of breastfeeding and other challenges mothers face in the first few months. She told me about a new fad that is going viral among moms that are embracing their babes to their bosoms breastfeeding and proud of it. Ladies all over are taking a photo of their babes latched onto their breast and running it through an app that combines a tree with an abstract color palette.

She told me about this new selfie fad, and mentioned to me that since she knows I am an experienced watercolor artist that I could successfully do this as a watercolor. I took it one step further and included some hand lettered quotes about mother and child breastfeeding, and also added the babies’ names.

My daughter has two beautiful sons and since she very successfully breastfed the first, she quickly adapted to breastfeeding his little brother. I breastfed both of my children over 30 years ago, and can understand her emotions and feelings of connection with her child during this special bond.

The painting I did of her and my grandson could also be a painting of a mom holding her child or a family portrait. Combining a tree or a vine showing the roots and family connection intertwined with their portraits in this unique palette is a technique I would like to explore further.

My ETSY shop shows my art and also a link to where I can be contacted for special orders for this and other paintings.

More info: Etsy

“Tree of Life” Breastie painting with quote