I am a student who enjoys writing and art. However, I haven’t gotten a lot of publicity, nor have I been given feedback from the general public. When I discovered Bored Panda, I found that many users mentioned getting more publicity, customers, and appreciation, by posting their works on this wonderful website. Therefore, I will be showing you some poetry of mine. From food to mental illness, I write about almost anything; the poems shown below are only a few of the poems I have on my blog, and more will come! Although I have been busy recently, I am back on track and will try to update the blog every week. Enjoy!

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Part of a freestyle poem, ‘Depression’, and a peek at my website’s layout.

Part of a freestyle poem ‘Hero Star’ about Hua Rong, my favourite character from “The Water Margin”.

A limerick, ‘Potato’s Plights’ about the death of a potato; like I said, I write about anything!


A freestyle poem, ‘Hot and Cold’ about toxic relationships.