Inspired by Area 51 event we have created the biggest foldable ramp in the history of MTB! The ramp is almost 6 feet tall (1,7 meters) and almost 10 (3 meters) feet long, it can lift you up up to 12 feet or even more! We are three MTB riders from Lithuania, Karolis Liepuonius, Tadas Puodžiūnas, and Linas Gudelis.

For those who don’t know – Area 51 is a highly classified United States Air Force facility located within the Nevada Test and Training Range. The famous conspiracy theory has it that it is the place where the government does “all the alien work”. Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us is a major event with an attendance of more than 3,5 million people with one interest – break in the Area 51.


We were fascinated by the idea of Area 51 and decided to contribute to the movement in the name of the MTB community. The main idea of the movement is similar to ours, we break limits and rules, gravity sport is a core part of our lives and that is why we have created a ramp so big, that you could jump through the fence of the Area 51. It is also designed to be portable and foldable, it assembles in less than 2 minutes, so it could be placed and be ready to use as quickly as possible. I guess you know why…


The construction and the size of the ramp is created so you could jump in the height that is practically impossible – 12 feet (3.6576 meters). But that’s not the limit of the ramp, with the right speed and attitude, you could jump even higher


We started off by creating ramps for educational purposes, but soon they realized that there is a way bigger demand. MTB community is large and gets bigger every year. Therefore, not everyone has access to suitable geographical locations easily and often can ride only on rare occasions. With the help of the ramps, you can ride your bike in your own backyard.



We make flying in the no-flight zone possible. That is our main goal, to make jumps possible in places where it is impossible


Also, we have a challenge for the MTB community. We are looking for three brave riders to make the first jump! We are giving away three ramps to three different riders for free! If you are interested in our MTB Hopper Area 51 challenge contact us via email and make the impossible jump!